Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

RISK CASE STUDY – ASSIGNEMENT 2 August 3, 20111 THE SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER DISASTER Risk Management Plan 1. Risk management plan summarizes risk management approach, list methodologies and processes, defines everyone’s role – definition of risk management plan. NASA was using for the most part qualitative risk assessment process. Launch of the shuttle was allowed as long as aggregate risk remained acceptable. Quantitive method was applied for risk assessment because if the complex procedures (like data gathering) were in place NASA would be buried with paperwork.NASA’s culture was flying with acceptable risk. There was Risk Management Plan in place for NASA because there was risk assessment and protocols in place but due to excessive nature of most of NASA’ projects waivers became a way of conducting business. As described in the NASA Handbook, hazards (risks) were analyzed and overseen by the Senior Safety Review Board. Each identified risk was c lassified by an established system, based on both the risk’s level of criticality on a scale of one to three (C1, C1R, C2, C2R, and C3).However, their review process contended that no single risk or combination of risks would be enough to prevent a launch, as long as the aggregate risk remained at an acceptable level. 2. The Risk Management Plan was not followed. Methods used to gather data to assess risk were expensive and labour intensive and so were the procedures (Flight Readiness Reviews. To keep up with mission manifest schedule – 16 flights per year any) issues had to be resolved fast (waivers).Once a risk was declared acceptable, it was overlooked during future mission planning sessions. Additionally, they didn’t have proper procedures for evaluating the impact of unknown risks (i. e. the ice problem). Lastly, protocol stated that one risk or one person’s concern was not enough to cancel the launch. A no launch recommendation by one party could ha ve been overruled by the launch director. 3. Differences: a. Risk Management Plan is the outcome of Plan Risk Management Process and describes how risk management is structured and performed.It includes methodology (approach, tools, data source), roles and responsibilities (lead, support), budget (resources, protocol for contingency resource), timing (when and how often process is performed), risk categories (RBS), definition of risk probability and impact (high, medium, low), probability and impact matrix, risk stakeholders’ tolerance. b. Quality Assurance Plan describes how quality assurance will be performed within project to allow for reducing â€Å"waste† and eliminating processes that do not add value.It is meant to increase level of efficiency. c. Safety Plan A safety plan is an organized system of rules and guidelines used to maintain safe work environment. 4. Pressure to meet schedule – sixteen flights a year in 1986 meant that all involved will have to face paperwork constraints related to flight readiness assessment. Personnel and contractors were working overtime already trying to fill out all necessary paperwork related to problem solving, investigations and last flight updates.Waivers were part of NASA protocols to bypass all of this plus they were a way to indicated that risk was acceptable. Number of flight per year was critical to designing risk management plan because of all similarities between flights like temperature; launch condition could become predictable factors to determine acceptable risk. Risk Identification 5. Risk is uncertain event associated with work, it is a loss multiplied by likelihood that may have impact on the project. There are three common categories of risks: controllable knowns, uncontrollable knowns, and unknowns.Anomaly is a deviation from the standard. Project manager and team define a baseline and decide the difference based on definition of anomaly provided by subject matter experts (enginee rs). 6. NASA had Flight Readiness Review few days prior to flight. Risk identification at NASA was conducted by Senior Safety Review Board. In majority of cases risk assessment process was qualitative. If aggregate risk remained acceptable launch should happen. Hazard were analyzed and subjected to formalized hazard reduction process I in NASA handbook.Quantitative method of risk assessment was not applied because they were expensive and time consuming. Technical experts were not involved enough in any of the discussions. 7. In order to resolve any differences we need to list them and quantify them first which never happened in case of Challenger. Customer is always right and ultimately his decision overrules but contactor must provide as accurate data as possible based on analysis. Every recognized risk has different weight and some of them thru brainstorming can be resolved or even eliminated. 8.Upper management needs to be committed to project of such a huge scale and support it. They should be informed about individual risks and it is up to project manager to provide true information about project. It seems that culture of NASA accepted waiver as a way to determine acceptable risk and considered then as a part of official protocol. 9. Risk associated with any chosen method should be classified based on cost (budget), safety and technology (design) and overall impact on the mission. Challenger did not have either solid political support or direction.Cost became the most critical component in decision making. Sold fuel systems were cheaper but also less safe. They require less research and development but were designed for reusability. 10. Politically motivated trade-offs are impossible to control by PM and his/her team. There is a pressure to for government to deliver promise or a need to see where all funding went. All PM has is data and measurements based on research, analysis and historical lessons. There should be a limit where safety becomes impossible to trade.This is where government agenda should not applied because risk of losing lives is too high to trade. 11. NASA was under pressure from government and by the same token pressured contractor (Thiokol). Funding was inconsistent, expectations were very high and there was no clear direction where space program was going and flying manifest was beyond capabilities of personnel should he chose to follow all procedures. Risk was calculated in every decision. 12. Risk Management plan is evolving document as project goes on. different phases should be recorded in Risk Register and 2 separated risk assessments conducted because each phase faces different risks. Identifying risk will help us analyze triple constraint factors. Both risk assessments are equally important. Risk Quantification 13. Given the complexity of Space Shuttle Program it is necessary to address individually each technical aspect of the risk. In some cases lesson learned from previous experience with shuttles can b e applied to other program given that conditions like weather, resistance to high temperature or fuel type.Certain measurements can be applied to all space shuttle programs. Qualitative risk evaluation could be used at the beginning of the project to sort out level of each risk. Quantitative risk would be possible if there full support from upper management (government), budget and methodologies were in place. Both methodologies are equally valuable in complex project like Challenger. 14. There were 3 separate ice inspections conducted on the site and ice team responsibility was to remove any ice. First inspection delayed launch due to presence of ice on launch pad.Second inspection discovered still significant presence of ice on launch site and it was determined take off was unsafe. Falling ice could damage heat tiles on the Orbiter. Third inspection still found significant ice presences on the launch pad. 3 major concerns of the ice-on-the-pad issue: launch objection due to the we ather, ice on the pad was unknown effect on the ignition and debris were considered potential flight safety hazard, freeze protection plan for launch pad 39B was inadequate. Ice was considered a potential problem. 15.Risk quantification allows preparing better for potential risks. Contractors provide data but it is decision of the customer whether to take some of all data under consideration when making decision. To resolve a matter of dispute, the customer and contractor should collaborate. If there is no agreement customer decides what approach to take. 16. Senior management needs to be presented with information in easy to understand form – in case of Shuttle short movie presenting what would happen on impact. Only potential problem made it all the way up to higher management not the critical ones.None of the recommendations from Thiokol were passed to upper management. There were no established procedures that all risk data cannot be modified by any member of the team wit hout proper access and expertise. 17. It was quantitative system but issuing waivers very often made it useless because they by-passed some of the recommendations. Lessons learned were not used by Thiokol regarding temperature at launch which was supposed to be 53 degrees Fahrenheit. Thiokol engineers tried to quantify some of the risks based on historical information regarding blow-bys and temperatures. 18.No, there were no probabilities assigned to risk like putty, temperature, rings although there was some historical data available. There were not enough details to develop probabilities and metrics to rely on. Engineers could not determine direct correlation between factors. Risk Response (Handling) 19. Size of the company, available budget, company culture and overall resource decide what constitutes acceptable risk. It depends on tolerance of individual company to determine if risk is acceptable. 20. Project manager is always responsible for success and/or failure of the projec t.If there is another body in the company responsible for handling risk on larger, company scale it should be consulted as well. 21. According to PMBOK there are 4 risk responses and all of them were used: acceptance (consequences were acceptable), avoidance (re-scheduling take off), control (type of aborts and their respective landing sites) and transfer (hiring Thiokol as contractor to transfer risks). 22. There was an abort due to bad weather and ice which was correct response. NASA decided to launch in spite of C1R which meant 2 components failure (both main and secondary ring booster are the same type).This is not a correct response to existing risk. This decision was made without any regard for possible consequences of component failure. 23. Subject matter experts and upper management and technical consultants with the knowledge of space technology. Astronauts should be consulted as well since they risk their lives and are in immediate danger. 24. Every project should have ris k response mechanism included in risk management plan. All data gathered from SME and specialist in the field should be taken under consideration when developing risk response mechanism.When team cannot agree on it senior management who is ultimately responsible has final saying. 25. Astronauts with technical experience and knowledge should have been consulted. Christa McAuliffe as an example would not contribute anything valuable because her knowledge wasn’t in space shuttle design discipline and she did not have any previous experience flying either. They have accepted the risk already when they agreed to fly – no need to re-assure it. Astronauts are all volunteers and understand that safety is space is never 100% guaranteed.In my opinion it is safety staff that should have been included primarily. No safety representative or quality assurance officer was included in any of the decisions (or during the take-off). 26. Waivers were a way of bypassing official protocols in order to maintain schedule. It was a form of acceptance. 27. Waivers were standard operating procedures – they are type of active acceptance – â€Å"the wrong thing can be done to solve the problem because its solution was not clearly thought out under pressure in the heat of the moment† 8. Yes! Schedule pressures made managers less willing to acknowledge possible risks. Despite the fact the temperature was not favourable (as required minimum of 50 degrees Fahrenheit), Thiokol & NASA decided to go ahead with the launch to meet their desired planned schedule. Political pressure affected all responsible parties. 29. The risk response mechanism utilized by managers at Thiokol and NASA was Acceptance. They were fully aware of the potential risk however they decided seat back and see what happens. 30.The Engineers did not do everything to convince the management to stop of the launch. After failing to convince the management they decided to take a passive app roach of â€Å"wait and see what happens next† while they knew the results will be catastrophic. To make matters worse, Engineer Boisjoly changed his expert professional opinion after was told put on his management hat. 31. Though NASA claims that its top priority is the safety of the crew and equipment, it did violate its responsibility to ensure safety of the crew in spite of the evidence that was presented to them by the engineers.They played Russian roulette with human lives. Final findings though confirmed that pressure caused rational men make irrational decisions. 32. YES! NASA was completely aware that the temperature was not favourable for launch (as required minimum of 40 degrees Fahrenheit) however still went ahead with the launch to meet their desired planned schedule. The O-Rings had never been tested below freezing temperatures before & did not meet the 40 degrees below qualification temperature. Risk Control 33.Documentation is crucial and must to be thorou gh as part of risk management in order to identify all potential risks, keep a historical record data , reveal relevant information to the project to ensure project process are in compliant with the company’s goals. Depending on the complexity of the projects or programs company is involved quantity will differ. Excessive paperwork can be very discouraging to personnel. 34. There was no audit trail to the best of our knowledge. Thiokol had lessons learned regarding erosion, temperatures and blow-bys. 35.Thiokol noticed black soot and grease on the outside of the booster casing, caused by actual gas blow-by and had ordered new steel billets which would be used for a redesigned case field joint. This vital information should have been disclosed during the hour presentation granted to them which they mostly argued on the cold weather effects. 36. Hard facts speak to upper management better than anything. Presentation and SME opinions quoted within presentation would help to get upper management attention. 37. Again, facts, findings and lesson learned are powerful tools.Once team and upper management is aware that science doesn’t back up decision sole responsibility and pressure is taken off single person and transfer to the whole team. 38. There were 5 different communication and organization failures and 4 of them were directly related to safety program. Lack of problem reporting requirements, inadequate trend analysis, misinterpretation, lack of involvement in critical decisions. Safety organization should be better staffed and SUPPORTED. 39. Rockwell was prime contractor to build Orbiter. It was believed that Rockwell was not the best choice since it had not been involved in Apollo Program as others.Rockwell issued a â€Å"concern† about possible Orbiter damage due to the ice problem but they never stated they did not want to launch. They never said to NASA launch should be aborted due to unknown nature of the ice. It was never formally re corded that Rockwell objected. By making objection official there is paper trail that can be traced back should situation call for it. 40. Risks levels must be maintained completely at minimal before launching of the spaceship; however loss of human life should be avoided at all cost. The overall risk should have been between C2 & C3. 41.It is best to execute a presentation to the higher-ranking Management with adequate evidence of potential risks & the overall impact. In addition, outsource experienced experts who will back you up with their input in order to win a favourable decision. 42. The liability should be placed on the people who made final decision to launch while they fully aware fully of potential risks. Though the Thiokol engineers â€Å"cried for Help†, they were thwarted from pleading their case and the management went ahead supported NASA proceeding with the launch. Both Thiokol management & NASA should share the blame.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Psychology Perspectives: Columbine Massacre

Perspectives of Psychology: Understanding the Columbine Massacre In Psychology, there are perspectives and approaches that are looked into when trying to understand how the intricate human mind works. These perspectives are respectfully derived from different ideas and time periods, exemplifying different ways of thinking. These perspectives include: sociocultural, biopsychological, psychodynamic, behaviorism, cognitive, and humanism. These approaches are critically essential in solving something as serious as murder, or simply even why someone acts the way they do.There are many instances where there will be shocking news stories about people committing murders—people that are so unexpected to do such harm. However, when the six perspectives are properly enforced, we can infer and comprehend the situation and reasoning. These handy tactics and knowledge help us understand the underlying core reasons for even the most bizarre and deadliest cases such as the Columbine High Scho ol Massacre. This massacre is the world’s deadliest high school shooting that was embarked by two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.The pair initially intended to kill thousands of students, however the bomb did not go off as planned. Unfortunately, the malicious killers managed to kill twelve students, one teacher, and greatly injured 21 helpless students. Not only did they engage in such acts, but once they were satisfied with their spree, they committed suicide. This tragic event was greatly televised as it forced schools around the country to enforce strict laws of security.The unbelievable acts of Eric and Dylan left everyone with many questions as to why these seemingly normal students would take the lives of so many, and also themselves. However, we begin to understand how deceiving looks can be as we deeply examine past the superficial surface of these two killers. A modern perspective in psychology is the sociocultural perspective, which accordingly comb ines two fields of study: social psychology, which is the study of social roles, actions, relationships; and cultural psychology, which is the study of cultural norms, values, and expectations.These are closely tied due to the fact that they are both about the effect that people have on one another, either individually or in a larger group as a broad culture (Peplau&Taylor, 1997). In short, First of all, sociocultural is a modern approach where culture, race, genders, and backgrounds are studied closely to better understand behavior. This sociocultural perspective is evident in this case, because according to psychologists, Kimmel and Mahler, the two shooters were white males who did not project the male gender roles other students possessed.According to USA Today, the shooters, Harris and Klebold, were seen as outcasts due to their unusual behavior and inability to conform to society. Harris and Klebold allegedly created a website on how to commit crimes varying from theft to somet hing as dangerous as bomb explosions. Both Kleboid and Harris were victims of bullying. I am driven to believe their unacceptance to society and perhaps their culture, enticed them to go on a killing spree. Also, I believe the violent messages sent by heavy metal music, violent televised movies and shows, and other subcultures also served as a factor for the massacre.More often than not, psychologists ponder on whether chemical imbalances can really affect the way a person acts and thinks, and how it can affect their lifestyle. This perspective is known as the biopsychological perspective. This perspective is also fairly modern, as it focuses on influences of hormones, brain sructures and chemicals, and diesaease. This being said, this approach is strictly thought that human and animal behavior is seen as a result from events going on inside the body (Ciccarelli, 2012). According to journalist, Dave Cullen of the New York Times, Dylan Kleboid was diagnosed with depression.The biolog ical approach can be well implied in this situation because as stated earlier, his chemical imbalances acted as a hindrance in his life, creating more reason and desire to kill others, and also kill himself. The next theory is categorized as a less-modern perspective as it goes all the way back to the Victorian Era. This approach is based on Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychodynamic, which focuses on the role of the unconscious mind and its influence on conscious behavior, early childhood experiences, development of sense of self, and other motivations. Ciccarelli, 2012). In other words, this theory states that humans have an unconscious mind in which we repress all of our threatening urges and desires into. In effect of repressing urges, it creates nervous disorders. This approach greatly stresses the importance of early childhood experiences. I firmly believe that both boys, especially Klebold, repressed their urges and thoughts which created a dramatic lash-out. According to New York Times, Klebold had come from a very well educated family that had very high expectations for him.His childhood had been constricted to studying and since he was exposed to such lifestyle at such a young age, he grew accustomed to better his education. Kleboid showed no obvious signs of danger to his family, as he valued how he appeared to his parents. However though, he had a great drinking problem which caused major aggression. Harris, Klebold’s good friend, was greatly interested in creating bombs. His childhood was not like Klebold’s—his family was not as forceful of his studies, or close. Harris was diagnosed with depression—leading him to have suicidal thoughts.According to At the time of his death, he had unbelievable Luvox levels in his system. According to psychiatrist, Peter Breggin, these medications very likely have contributed to Harris's actions. Harris had been meticulously planning bombings but did not have the means of creating o ne. That is where his good friend and brains of the pair, Klebold, comes into play. The two boys’ lives are well exemplified and reinforced by the psychodynamic approach, as their childhood seemed to shape their lives as they grew older. The next approach is the behavioral perspective.This perspective is based on the early work of Watson and Skinner. Behaviorism concludes that the science of behavior must be directly seen and observed to be validated. This being said, we must ignore â€Å"consciousness† and focus on observable behavior. This approach is shown by the pair because both boys had been convicted of breaking into a van and stealing computers. According to Wikipedia. org, after breaking into the van, Harris blogged: â€Å"Why shouldn't we, the gods, have the right to break into a van that some mother***** left in the middle of nowhere?! This clearly shows the behavior of the boys that can be observed, not inferred. This behavior is very violent, and it is cl ear that the boys show no remorse or guilt for their wrong-doings. Another less modern approach would be the cognitive approach. This approach focuses on memory, intelligence, perception, thought processes, problem solving, language, and learning (Cicarelli, 2012). This perspective can be applied to Harris and Kleboid’s sitatuation by looking into their background and how that affects their thought processes and learning skills.As mentioned earlier, Kleboid was clearly bright. He was capable of creating bombs (although the bombings were unsuccessful) and devising a master plan. He carefully planned out the steps of what was happening. How can we be so sure? According to Time Magazine, Kleboid and Harris had been writing their step by step ways of creating a bomb. Not only so, but they clearly showed intent of killing thousands of students. I believe that this shows the boys had planned out a meticulous plan, also acknowledging the consequences, therefore decided to kill thems elves at the very end.At last, we have the Humanistic approach. This approach focuses on human potential, free will, and responsibility. This approach is sought to highlight human values and self-actualization. Humanism proposes that the deeds we do in life are not driven by childhood experiences, influences, cultural background, genetics, or chemical imbalances; but rather, it is driven by our will to be defined as a good or bad person. This perspective focuses on our underlying core values solely as individuals. This perspective can best be shown through the level of intellect the boys have.According to The Guardian, the boys have shown academic proficiency for a good part of their high school career. They were gifted in computer work, and were in charge of technical duties for school plays. With this being said, I believe the boys understood that their behavior is solely determined by their own will to be the type of person they aspire to be. Needless to say, I believe the boys w ere greatly influenced by their cultural background and society, but however, I also strongly believe Kleboid and Harris were intelligent enough to make their own decisions—engaging in good or bad behavior, reflecting their human values.Psychology is a very broad subject filled with endless questions and theories. These perspectives, however, are greatly established and used on a day-by-day basis by not only psychologists, but investigators and sociologists as well. These perspectives help to understand and widen our knowledge of humans and animals. The six perspectives are all derived from different time periods—varying from modern to not-so-modern theories and ideas. The perspectives help address problems and help widen critical thinking abilities, as well as understanding everyday behavior.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Theory of Cultural Value Orientations: Explication and Applications.

A Theory of Cultural Value Orientations: Explication and Applications. Shalom H. Schwartz, social psychologist and author of  a theory of cultural value orientations has done research on  universal values  and how they exist in a wide variety of contexts. Most of his work addressed broad questions about values, such as: how are individuals’ priorities affected by social experiences, how do individuals’ priorities influence their behavior and choices, and, how do value priorities influence ideologies, attitudes, and actions in political, religious, environmental, and other domains.Through his studies, Schwartz concluded that ten types of universal values exist: achievement, benevolence, conformity,  hedonism, power, security, self-direction, stimulation, tradition, and  universalism. Schwartz also tested the possibility of  spirituality  as an eleventh universal value, but found that it did not exist in all cultures. Schwartz's value theory and instruments are part of the biannual  European Social Survey.His work presents a theory of seven cultural value orientations that form three cultural value dimensions. applies it to understanding relations of culture to significant societal phenomena. In this theory we can find Shwartz’s conception of culture, a conception of the normative value system that underlies social practices and institutions. He derived seven value orientations that are useful for describing and comparing societies. His research is based on analyses of data across 75 countries.Using the cultural orientations, Shwartz generated a worldwide empirical mapping of 75 national cultures that identifies 7 transnational cultural groupings: West European, English-speaking, Latin American, East European, South Asian, Confucian influenced, and African and Middle Eastern. There are briefly discussed cultural characteristics of these groupings. Also I’ve found   the examples of socioeconomic, political, and demogra phic factors that give rise to national differences on the cultural value dimensions, factors that are influenced by culture.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Arab Views of Europeans 1578-1727 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arab Views of Europeans 1578-1727 - Essay Example And given the fantasy and the Orientalism that marked early modern and modern European perceptions of Arabs and Muslims, did Occidentalism evolve in Arab-islamic thought? Did the military polarisation that marked the two shores of the Mediterranean produce an Arab fantasy and invention similar to that characterising a large amount of Europeans about Muslims. (p. 127) From the start, Matar have recognized that majority of the historians and scholars believed that the degree of interest of the Arabs and Muslims in Latin Christendom is significantly lower than what was shown by the Europeans in the Far East. He pointed to two prevailing schools of thought that explain this attitude: First, the Europeans are generally viewed as barbarians because of their heathen religion that teaches a theology, which, according to Quran, is false and distorted; Second, the European society has been seen as inferior to the Arab world because of the Muslim belief that the heritage of the Middle Ages have given them the edge over the Europeans. The corpus of the Islamic literature on the subject has shown a degree of hostility towards the West which clouds the existing curiosity over the other civilization. This hostility would further grow as the West asserted its hegemony in the course of its colonisation efforts. Matar, however, added an interesting insight to this variable. According to him, the disinterest, as has been comprehensively illustrated by the various sources, permeated in the Ottoman territory and those within the reach of its influence. He cited the case of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria who, in their history and literature, have spoken about the Europeans quite extensively, displaying a level of interest that is unprecedented elsewhere in the Islamic world. He took note of the fact that the Moroccan elite were educated and have in their disposal a high level of literacy that have made up with the lack of printing machines that could have made the mass production of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

California and Federal Leave Laws Research Paper

California and Federal Leave Laws - Research Paper Example From this study it is clear that  many states have identified the disadvantages of this present law and the unfavorable impact it is causing on both the employers and the employees. Because of this, twenty-eight states such as New York, California, New Jersey among many other have introduced paid leave bills. This enables workers to get payment from a given period when they are on leave.This paper declares that introduction of SB 1661 legislation in California State in February in 2002 enhanced the existing States Disability Insurance (SDI) system. The present SDI system is already providing partial paid family and medical leave. They also replace 55 to 60 percent of the wage of the employees when they take a leave to recover from serious illness such as pregnancy and disabilities that come because of giving birth. Further, use of SB 1661 extends this medical and family leave insurance system to enable employees replace 50-60 percent of their wages when they take a leave up to 12 w eeks to take care of the newborn or a family member who is seriously sick or after adopting a new baby. Section 233 of the California labor code enables employers to use up to the amount of sick leave that accumulate during the period of six month that they use while caring for family members who are sick. This research paper analyzes different types of leaves laws as well as the differences that exist between California and federal leave laws.

Answer question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer question - Coursework Example Poor cleaning of the reservoirs where the tuna, eggs, vegetable oil, and vinegar were stored could have been the source of pathogens in the tuna sandwich. Handling of food in unhygienic manner could have been a possible cause of the growth of the pathogens on the Tuna (Shiowshun 2012). The contamination of peanut butter could have occurred at the storage reservoirs where the peanut butter is stored before it is sold or at the packaging where there is a possibility of poor hygiene or improper procedures followed. Improper use of products used in processing could also have caused the growth of the pathogens. If it is the peanut butter, it is assumed that the problem is the manufacturer because during the processing stage if it was not well processed then it is likely to have pathogens. Poor safety during processing can lead to growth of pathogens on the peanut butter. Improper processing of foodstuff causes contamination of the food by pathogens. During processing if, the manufacturers are not careful with the processes and the substances they use, it could cause growth of pathogens (Nauta 2007). Manufacturers could have used methods that are not safe during processing thus causing the growth of

Monday, August 26, 2019

A clinical incident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A clinical incident - Essay Example Mr. Halliday who had just undergone surgery for gastric carcinoma under general anaesthesia had respiratory distress during my posting in the post operative room. The anaesthetist advised tracheostomy. Immediately my senior whom I had assisted twice already in the procedure and observed it being done by her many times, posted me to the duty of assisting the anaesthetist to do it. I had half an hour to prepare myself, the patient and the family for the procedure. The moment that I learned that I had been posted, I felt a little shaky. Could I go through with it? It was my first participation in a tracheostomy. The senior boosted my confidence and told me she would be around if assistance was needed. First I ensured the availability of the emergency tracheostomy kit. I had to speak to the patient and his family of wife and son about the procedure and its outcome. The patient himself was a little hazy from the anaesthesia of surgery. The wife and son were easily convinced but they wanted to know whether it is just for now or long term. Informing them that it has been intended for a short duration now and is being done for controlling the secretions, I felt pleased that things had started off smoothly. Checking the list that is used for the packing of instruments and other equipment for the emergency tracheostomy during preparation for autoclaving, I felt everything needed had been ready. The outer tube, the snugly fitting inner tube, the flange which lies against the patient’s chest and the 15mm termination which fits all ventilators and respiratory equipment were the main components necessary (Tracheostomy care working group, 2000). The optional parts were the cuff which helps fix the tube in position, the air inlet valve which prevents the escape of air, the air inlet line which would allow air to move from the air inlet valve to the cuff and the pilot cuff which is an indicator of the amount of air in the cuff (Tracheostomy care working group,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why do many economists argue for outward orientation and export Essay

Why do many economists argue for outward orientation and export promotion to the industrialization of East Asia - Essay Example According to large proportion of economics, countries that have relied on outward orientation as a strategy for development and industrialization have done better than those countries that in contrary adopted inward orientation (Edwards, 1989, p. 1). More specifically, outward orientation is a trade policy characterized with absence of bias against exports, active promotion of exports and low trade barriers (Mody, 1999, p. 2). Firms face equal incentives to produce for the home as well export markets, same time emerging exporters are given quite high levels of initial market protection. Outward orientation is an absence of bias against exports (Bromley, Mackintosh and Brown, 2004, p. 69). An inward orientation is an attempt to withdraw from the full participation of a country in the world economy. It supports import substitution that is the production of goods at home to be encouraged as it would otherwise to be imported. An outward orientation strategy is an attepmt to participate in international trade by encouraging resource allocation without any price distortions. Outward orientation is thus an application of production according to comparative advantage (Appleyard, Field and Cobb, 2005, p. 427). Economists argue for the outward orientation to industrialize East Asia because it is highly useful strategy to enhance and improve the economic performance of the country.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Revealing Cases of Plagiarism among Students Case Study

Revealing Cases of Plagiarism among Students - Case Study Example The Student Council would like to make its stand on the idea of using to detect cases of plagiarism among students. It appreciates the efforts and views this as a great step towards maintaining the high standards of education in the university. However, in its current state, the idea is ineffective since it is prone to several shortcomings that arise from the use of software-based methods of plagiarism detection such as detecting texts in quotation marks as plagiarized texts and losing the format of papers. After analyzing the idea and carrying out a research on the same, the Council feels that cannot be effective on its own and should only be used alongside other methods of plagiarism detection to offer a comprehensive solution (Herrington, 2010). Consequently, the Council suggests that in a case where an instructor suspects a plagiarized paper, he or she uploads all papers related to that assignment to for checking. The instructor should furth er check the papers by use of fingerprint method, which involves digesting a paper into a set of fingerprints and checking those fingerprints against a precompiled set of fingerprints and drawing similarities from this comparison. The last step, string matching, should involve comparing the papers for verbatim text overlaps. Analysis of the results from the three approaches should be done and conclusions made based on those analysis (Herrington, 2010). The Council feels that this will be a more effective approach since it will reduce cases of false positive results. Additionally, this approach minimizes the chances of students beating the system.  The Council would also like to know how the university administration plans to deal with ethical issues that rise from the use of this service. The Council understands that the use of this service can lead to stern repercussions that could involve legal battles. Additionally, this service can create a culture of resentment among students and as such, the university should consider ethical issues before implementing it.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Project management - Essay Example First an insight on projects and their use in contemporary organisations is provided, followed by an analysis of the influence of organisational culture on project structure, teams and performance, ending with a summary and discussion on the topic. This is the shortest yet the most comprehensive definition of what a project is; a one time event, with a beginning and an end, with quantitative and qualitative outcomes, comprised of many depended activities with a sole purpose of solving a problem (Meredith and Mantel 2010, PMI 2008). Projects are managed through a process defined by a project management methodology used on all projects to increase the likelihood of achieving project success, excellence and maturity (Kerzner 2009). A standardized definition of Project management comes from the PMBOK (PMI 2008, p.6) where it is defined as â€Å"an application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements†. As a relatively new discipline PM emerged from the post world war’s defence methodologies applied in managing large-scale initiatives. At the beginning, what literature refers today as â€Å"traditional projects†, were stand-alone projects with dedicated resources and without larger consequences if the deadlines were not met (Taylor 2003). These projects were characteristic for the construction industry. From the 1980s onwards, the rapid development of IT and its rising penetration in the value chain of organisations, increased the number IT projects and shortened the project life cycle (IT technology has a short life cycle), while the dependency of project’s processes from the parent organisation increased. As a result the old tools and techniques in managing traditional projects were found to be less efficient, even counterproductive and practitioners and researchers begun to recognise the growing importance of introducing the systems approach in analysing and managing projects (Gardiner 2005, Taylor

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Life on Earth Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Life on Earth Worksheet Essay Taxa to explore – Elephants. 1. Review terms (write definitions for these terms) Extant Species, families, or groups still in existence Extinct Species, families, or groups no longer in existence, end or died out Genotype Genetic make-up of an organism Phenotype Physical attributes of an organism, observable or measurable traits Synapomorphy Shared characteristic that are inherited from most recent common ancestor Background: There are three extant species of elephant: Elaphas maximus (Asian elephants), Loxodonta africana (African elephants), and Loxodonta cyclotis (African forest elephants). Their taxonomic hierarchy is as follows: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Proboscidea Family: Elephantidae Genus: Elaphas Species: maximus Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Proboscidea Family: Elephantidae Genus: Loxodonta Species: africana Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Proboscidea Family: Elephantidae Genus: Loxodonta Species: cyclotis 2. Collect an image of each species. You will submit these as a part of your assignment. (see full assignment instructions) 3. Looking at these pictures, can you think of any EXTINCT animal or animals that might be a close relative of modern elephants? List it/them below. If you know the scientific name (genus and species) then you can put that. If you aren’t quite sure, just give the common name. Mammoth 4. Now think about EXTANT taxa. Identify 2 animals that you might expect to be the closest LIVING relative to the elephants. List it/them below. If you know the scientific name (genus and species) then you can put that. If you aren’t quite sure, just give the common name. Possible Relative A Possible Relative B Rock Hyrax Manatees 5. For the closest EXTANT relatives, what characteristic(s) of that animal or its habitat led you choose it as â€Å"probable closest relative†? (consider geographic location, size, anatomy, behavior etc). Be specific. Characteristics of Animal A Characteristics of Animal B -found across Africa and the Middle East -typically live in groups -has a prominent pair of long, pointed tusk-like upper incisors -In males, the testes are permanently abdominal -thick, wrinkled skin -Females have two teats, one under each flipper -teeth growing at the rear are continuously replaced throughout life Now to the science – Follow the link below to read about some of the extinct relatives of elephants 6. How were the phenotypes of ancient proboscideans different from those of extant elephants? The ancient proboscideans differ from those of extant elephants because they have multiple pairs of molars and premolars, they do not possess tusks, and they retain canines on the upper jaw. 7. Based on the information in the web-site, where did the early proboscideans evolve? The early proboscideans evolved from Africa. More derived proboscideans (not ancient, but not extant either) also had a very different geographic distribution than elephants today: 8. Which localities seem most surprising and why? North and South America because these locations were once abundant with these animals, such as mastodons, while having most of the animals originate from  the other side of the world. 9. Identify 4 synapomorphies that are shared between ALL of these extinct and extant taxa. 1. Tusks 2. Incisors and molar teeth 3. Trunk 4. Four column-like legs Molecular phylogeny In extant species, relationships can also be reconstructed based on DNA Think back to your best guesses of the closest EXTANT relatives of the modern elephants. Look at the .pdf named â€Å"Afrotheria†. The phylogeny described in this paper is based on molecular data (similarities in DNA sequences) 10. Based on that phylogeny, write in the sister taxon (taxon A) to Proboscidea. Give the formal name. Taxon A or Sirenia Proboscidea 11. Write in the taxon (taxon B) that is sister to the clade composed of (Proboscidea + Taxon A). Give formal name Taxon B or Taxon A Proboscidea Hyracoidea 12. Perform an internet search for these two taxa and find out their common names. What are their common names? Describe each.  The common name for Sirenia is Sea Cow. Sea cows are fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that appear fat. They have forelimbs used for steering and a tail used for paddling. The common name for Hyracoidea are hyraxes. Hyraxes are well-furred animals with short tails and have poor internal temperature regulation. What was your thought/reaction upon discovering what these creatures are? My thought reaction was how can animals that look nothing alike be similar to an elephant if they visually look different. Believe it or not, there are morphological (phenotypic) similarities as well as dietary and behavioral similarities between all of these taxa. BEFORE molecular data was available, scientists already suspected that these groups were closely related. The DNA evidence only helped to confirm the relationships. We’ll do more on that in a moment. 13. Search the web to find at least two non-molecular synapomorphies between each of your modern taxa and the elephants: (be specific!) Animal #1 name Rock Hyraxes Rock Hyraxes are furry and have the soles of the feet with large, soft pads that are kept moist. Manatees have paddle like flippers and a snout. Animal #2 name Manatees 14. Which of the features you listed are more likely to survive in the fossil record? Explain why. Most likely to survive in the fossil record is the snout because it consists of the bones of the jaw which are very good for becoming fossils. 15. Which are less likely? Explain why. Less likely are the fur, soft pads at the feet, and the paddle-like flippers because all are more prone to decay rapidly because of being soft structures. The flippers are also more prone to not preserving quickly therefore eaten or broken down by aerobic microbes. Now for molecules: To see the actual molecular data used to create the phylogeny you saw, select the .pdf named â€Å"mammoth and sea cow†. 16. Go to page 409. Dots mean the base pair (A, C, T or G) is the same as is listed in the taxon that’s at the top (this saves ink!). Now compare the sequences for the African elephant and the Asian elephant in just the top row of page 409. How many molecular differences do you see in the sequence shown? There are 8 molecular difference in the sequence. How many molecular differences do you count between the African elephant and the hyrax? There are 11 molecular differences between the African elephant and the hyrax. 17. Based on anatomy alone (without the molecular evidence), would you have guessed that the animals in photos above represented the closest living relatives of elephants? Why or why not? Honestly, based on the anatomy alone, I would not have guessed that the animals represent close relatives of the elephants because of the physical anatomical characteristic they have. Most animals can have similar anatomy with slight differences that contribute to their survival in an environment. Initially, I thought that the animals had similar characteristics only because of natural selection and adaptation of their environment not because  of their common ancestor. This shows how molecular evidence can really help in seeing what animals belong in what lineages.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Left to Tell Essay Example for Free

Left to Tell Essay Immaculee Ilibagiza was a college student in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide in which nearly one million people died. Her story is a remarkable testimony to the power of God’s grace to strengthen us during times of trial and to live the teaching of the Gospel in the face of overwhelming evil. Her story is told in the novel Left to Tell, published in 2006. In Rwanda, there were three tribes, and each citizen belonged to one of the tribes. These tribes were the Hutu, which were the majority, Tutsi, which were the minority, and an extremely small number of Twa, which was a pygmy-like tribe of forest dwellers. Immaculee and her family belonged to the Tutsi tribe, and because of this they were under great threat. The Hutu tribe wanted to kill every single Tutsi in Rwanda, and this was the cause of the genocide in 1994. The Tutsi tribe was taller, lighter-skinned and has narrower noses, and Hutus were shorter, darker, and have broad noses, and each person had an identity card which labeled what tribe they were in. This is how the Hutus chose their victims, by their identity card or their looks. Not only was Immaculee under death threat, but she was also being treated unfairly by her peers. She was an extremely smart girl, and because of her being a Tutsi, she was not able to get a scholarship to college. Before the genocide came into full effect, there were many reports on the radio warning the Tutsis of killings to come. One day, Damascene, one of Immaculee’s three brothers, told his family that he actually saw the killers, but they refused to believe him. They started to get nervous when President Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, was killed. His plane was shot out of the sky, and this event sparked the beginning of the genocide. The more severe the radio reports were, the more nervous Immaculee and family got. Immaculee tried not to show her fear, because if she did, she would not be able to stay strong through this event. Many neighbors gathered around her home because her father, Leonard, was a very respectable man in the neighborhood. One day, fifty Interahamwe armed with knives and machetes attacked the Tutsis outside of the Ilibagiza home. Leonard gathered more than one hundred Tutsi men together and rushed toward the killers. They tossed stones at them and scared them away. After this, Immaculee’s father gave her a red and white rosary and told her to keep it always, and she did. The killers came back a second time, but this time no one joined Leonard to fight back. After this event, it was known that it was not safe, and Immaculee could not stay at her home. Immaculee and Augustine, a friend who was staying with the Ilibagiza family, were soon on their way to the home of family friend and local pastor, Pastor Murinzi. There, she was forced to hide in a small bathroom with seven other women, and there she had many spiritual experiences. While Immaculee was hiding in the bathroom, she could hear the killers and other people talking about what was going on. Immaculee still did not know whether or not her family was alive. She cursed the killers, and hoped that they got treated as they were treating her fellow Tutsis. Because of this feeling, Immaculee could not have a feeling of calmness, and she was very angry. She prayed, but the devil was telling her that praying would not work, when she has so much hatred in her heart, and is wishing such horrible things on the killers. In a dream, Jesus appeared to her, and told her to forgive the killers and to stay calm and he would protect her. She did as Jesus said, and forgave the killers, and she was one of the few whose life was spared during the genocide. Some people do not pray, and do not have God in their lives. These are the people that contribute to the evil and destruction of the world. The killers of the 1994 genocide were definitely evil, and they were being tempted by the devil to do such evil acts. Lies were made up just so they could kill Leonard, and the rest of the Ilibagiza family, who were very well respected in the town. Some people do not think over their actions, and do not make the distinction between what is right and wrong. Some people just listen to other people because they are scared, so they do evil things, just because someone told them to. Unfortunately, I do believe that something this terrible may happen in our own country. In the last decade, some evil things have happened in America, such as the planes hitting the World Trade Center on 9/11 and the plane hitting the Pentagon, in the same day. Islamic people performed both of these evil acts. Most Americans have hatred for these people, and some especially because loved ones died in the World Trade Center. Since then, there have been bomb scares, and the hatred has just been building up. If another tragedy occurs, Americans will most likely rebel, and want these people extinguished from the country, whether they look innocent or not, just for the sake of the country. It is much better to forgive, than to hate and hold grudges. By forgiving, you are following in Jesus’ path and becoming a better person. By hating and seeking revenge, you will harbor hatred in your heart and be an extremely angry person for always thinking of ways to get revenge. I have learned that by forgiving, instead of hating, your prayers will be answered quicker. By following in the footsteps of Jesus, forgiving all who have harmed you, you will be a happier person, and by God being an important part of your life, you will have a good life. I will most definitely live differently after reading this book. Nothing in my life has ever compared to anything that Immaculee went through, and I should be extremely grateful for that. I will try to forgive all who have done wrong to me, and although it may not be easy, I know that God is there guiding me every step of the way.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Copolymerization of Styrene and a Cyclic Peptide

Copolymerization of Styrene and a Cyclic Peptide Putting peptides into the backbone chain of polyolefins: the radical copolymerization of styrene and a cyclic peptide containing the disulfide bond Anja C. Paulya, Daniel Rentschb and Fabio di Lena*a. Supporting Information ABSTRACT: For the first time, a vinyl monomer such as styrene has been radically copolymerized with a cyclic peptide containing the disulfide bond. A new class of bio-hybrids is obtained in which the amino acid sequence is statistically distributed within the polymer’s backbone chain. The structure of the copolymer has been confirmed by means of conventional as well as diffusion-edited 1H NMR, MALDI FT-ICR mass spectrometry, FT-IR spectroscopy, TGA, DSC, and a series of control experiments. With the aim to combine the advantageous properties of biological macromolecules such as, for example, the biological function, molecular recognition, and chirality, with the solution properties, processability, etc. of synthetic macromolecules, polymer chemists have started to develop the so-called bio-hybrid polymers. Bioconjugates are the most studied class of bio-hybrids.1 These are block copolymers in which a protein, polysaccharide or nucleotide is chemically linked to a synthetic polymer such as a polyolefin, polyether or polyester. In this type of structures, the constituent blocks maintain their individual properties, which make them, in many ways, similar to polymer mixtures. At odds with block copolymers, statistical copolymers do not exhibit the characteristics of polymer mixtures but behave like homogeneous materials with peculiar physical and chemical properties. Here we report the preparation of a new class of bio-hybrids in which, much like in statistical copolymers, an amino acid sequence is incorporated directly into the backbone chain of a polyolefin like polystyrene. The polymers are prepared by the radical ring-opening copolymerization2of a cyclic peptide containing the disulfide (S-S) bond and styrene. Cycles containing the S-S bond are known to undergo radical copolymerization with vinyl monomers such as methyl acrylate, vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile and styrene.3 The driving force behind the research is our interest in finding new, simple and industrially friendly ways to turn commodity polymers into specialty polymers with high added value. To our knowledge, the only examples of polyolefins containing amino acids in the backbone chain have been prepared by Wagener and co-workers by means of acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET)4 polymerization of dienes containing a single amino acid residue conducted in the presence of a ruthenium carbene catalyst.5 The approach we describe here is metal-free, enables the incorporation of sequences of amino acids and employs radical polymerization, a process with which more than 50% of all the polymers produced worldwide are made. Scheme 1. Radical copolymerization of styrene with the cyclic tripeptide cCLC. Styrene and the cyclic peptide S1,S3-cyclo(L-cysteinyl-L-leucyl-L-cysteine), from now on referred to as cCLC (or CLC when ring-opened), were chosen as model monomers. They were reacted with a molar ratio of 94:6 in dimethyl sulfoxide Table 1. Polymerization conditions, yield, number average molecular weight, polydispersity index, degradation temperatures, glass transition temperatures and CLC content of the copolymers. Copolymer P1 P2 Styrene/cCLC/AIBNa) 94/6/5 molar ratio 94/6/2 molar ratio Yieldb) 40 % 43 % c) 2,500 5,400 PDIc) 1.79 1.64 Tdeg1 198 °C 215 °C Tdeg2 417 °C 419 °C Tg 66 °C 54 °C CLC contentd) 6 mol% mol% 1M in DMSO. After precipitation in water and dialysis in MeOH. Determination by SEC in THF on the basis of polystyrene calibration. Determination by comparison of the integrated peaks in the 1H-NMR spectra of the isopropyl unit in CLC and the phenyl unit in polystyrene. (DMSO) at 70  ºC for 12h with two different amounts of azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) affording the copolymers P1 and P2 (Scheme 1, Table 1). The copolymers were purified by precipitation in water and dialysis in methanol so as to remove, among the other possible impurities, unreacted cCLC and/or cCLC-derived by-products. The overall yield was equal to 40% for P1 and 43% for P2. When analysed by means of size exclusion chromatography (SEC), the copolymer P1, obtained by using a higher amount of AIBN, resulted to have a number average molecular weight () of 2,500 and a polydispersity index (PDI) of 1.79. On the other hand, P2, synthesized by using a smaller amount of AIBN, turned out to have a higher molecular weight () and a comparable PDI of 1.64 (Table 1). The SEC traces of both copolymers are shown in the Supporting Information (Figure S1). The signals in the 1H NMR spectra of P1 (Figure S2) and P2 (Figure 1A) could be assigned to both styrene and CLC units. On the one hand, the peaks at 0.87 ppm and 1.10 ppm, visible also in 1H NMR spectrum of unreacted cCLC (Figure S3), could be assigned to the iso-propyl residue of CLC. On the other hand, the two groups of peaks at 1.54 and 1.92 ppm, and at 6.55 and 7.05 ppm correspond to the aliphatic and the aromatic protons of polystyrene, respectively. The remaining proton signals of CLC could be assigned with a lower degree of confidence due to the overlapping signals of solvent and/or polystyrene. By comparing the area underneath the peak at 0.87 ppm relative to the iso-propyl group of CLC with the area underneath the peak around 7 ppm relative to the phenyl ring of styrene, it was calculated that the peptide makes up 6 mol% of copolymer P1 and 9 mol% of P2. A different degree of co-monomer incorporation is not odd if one considers that the composition, like other properties of a polymer, is function of the chain length up to a critical value that depends on the specific system. It is then reasonable to assume that such critical value for had not been reached in the present case. The topic has been extensively investigated and the interested reader is referred to the literature for details.6 In the diffusion-edited mode, in which the 1H NMR spectra were recorded applying a flow-compensated double-stimulated-echo with a gradient strength up to 40%,7 a similar set of signals were found for the styrene and CLC units (Figure 1B and S2). By exploiting the fact that the translational diffusion in solution is size-dependent, the diffusion-edited NMR is able to discriminate between signals relative to low and high molecular weight species.8 Since only the solvent signals disappeared, the NMR data are a strong indication that the peptide is incorporated into polystyrene rather than forming a physical blend with it. It is worth noting that the diffusion-edited NMR is not quantitative and thus the molar composition of the copolymers could be determined only from the conventional 1H-NMR spectra. The analysis by MALDI FT-ICR mass spectrometry9 substantiates these conclusions. A mass distribution (Figure 2) that accurately matches that of monocharged polystyrene chains each containing one CLC moiety and AIBN-derived isobutyronitrile groups as both ÃŽ ± and ω-chain ends was indeed obtained. Figure 1. 1H-NMR spectra of the copolymer P2 (A), 1H-diffusion edited 1H-NMR spectra of the copolymer P2 with gradient strength of 40% (B) in THF-d8, and the corresponding chemical structure (C). The results of all the other analytical techniques used to characterize the copolymers are in line with what found above. In the FT-IR spectra, for example, signals belonging to both styrene and amino acid moieties could be detected (Figure 3), which are: (i) the bands at 1735 cm-1 (carboxylic group) and 1654 cm-1 (amide group) of CLC, which are also present in the FT-IR spectrum of unreacted cCLC; and (ii) the signals of the aromatic carbon-carbon bonds (1492 and 1452 cm-1) and carbon-proton bond of the phenyl rings (736 and 696 cm-1) of Figure 2. MALDI FT-ICR spectrum of the copolymer P2 in the positive mode (A), the magnification of the spectrum in the mass range 4600 – 5000 with the comparison of the theoretical and observed m/z (B), and the corresponding chemical structure (C). polystyrene. Furthermore, two distinct mass losses, one around 200  ºC and the other at 417  ºC, can be seen in the thermogravimetric (TGA) traces of the copolymers P1 and P2 (Table 1). By direct comparison with the TGA of the constituting materials, which show a mass loss at 208  °C for unreacted cCLC and one at 418  °C for pristine polystyrene, the two steps observed in the TGA of both copolymers could be assigned to the degradation of the CLC and styrene units, respectively (Figure S4). The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermogram of P1 displayed a glass transition occurring around 66  ºC, which is identical to the glass transition temperature (Tg) of a polystyrene of prepared in our lab (66  ºC). Therefore, the amount of CLC incorporated in the polymer turned out to be too low to produce a measurable effect on the glass transition. In contrast, the amount of CLC in the copolymer P2 turned out to be sufficient to produce a change in the glass transition temp erature, which was measured to be 54  ºC (Table 1). This is significantly lower than Tg of polystyrenes with (75  ºC) and (89  ºC) prepared in our lab. The DSC scans of the two copolymers P1 and P2 in comparison with polystyrenes with similar molecular weight are shown in Figure S5. The relatively high Tg of polystyrene is classically rationalized in terms of a reduced chain flexibility due to the bulky phenyl groups that hinder the rotation of the backbone’s carbon-carbon bonds. We surmise that CLC increases the chain flexibility by acting as a spacer between the styrene units, which results in the lowering of the glass transition temperature. It is worth noting that the Tg and the of (atactic) polystyrene are positively correlated up to , after which the Tg reaches a stationary value of ca. 108  ºC.10 Hence, the use of polymers with similar molecular weights is essential for comparing, meaningfully, the glass transition temperatures. In absence of cCLC, the polymerization of styrene under the same experimental conditions afforded polymers with in 76% yield and in 73% yield for the Figure 3. FT-IR spectra of the cyclic tripeptide cCLC, the copolymer P2 and Polystyrene. lower and higher amounts of AIBN, respectively. In both cases, the molecular weights and reaction yields for pristine polystyrene were higher than those of the relative copolymers. This is not surprising since disulfides are known to act as chain transfer agents in and to produce a certain retardation effect on radical polymerization.3 When the polymerization was repeated omitting the styrene from the reaction mixture, no polymer was obtained. Hence, cCLC, like other cyclic disulfides,2 does not homopolymerize in the presence of a radical initiator. This control experiment suggests that the peptide should not be blockily distributed along the polymer chain. Moreover, the possibility that the copolymer could be alternating is ruled out by the fact that the degree of peptide incorporation is well below 50 mol%. It is therefore reasonable to assume that both P1 and P2 are statistical copolymers of styrene and CLC. Peptides like cCLC are peculiar in that they bear unbound amine and carboxyl groups while being cyclic. This makes them and their copolymers either cationic or anionic or zwitterionic depending on the pH. Charge-bearing polymers are often reported as bioactive, e.g., hemostatic11 and/or antimicrobial12. Consequently, the class of materials here described might show bioactivity without containing intrinsically bioactive, amino acid sequences. Furthermore, apart from the specific functionalities, the peptide is likely to confer improved degradability on the polyolefin. Experiments in both directions are presently ongoing and will be the subject of another publication. In conclusion, we have shown that a peptide sequence can be incorporated into the backbone chain of a polyolefin via radical polymerization. Styrene and a cyclic tripeptide containing the disulfide bond were chosen as model monomers. Although cyclic disulfides are known to ring-open via the homolytic cleavage of the S-S bond in the presence of certain radicals, the result reported in this work is not trivial since the efficiency of such a reaction depends significantly on the disulfide used. Investigations are presently underway in order to explore the monomer scope, in terms of both the olefin and the peptide, the bioactivity and degradability of the copolymers, as well as the possibility to extend the process to reversible-deactivation radical polymerizations13 such as ATRP14. The preparation of a whole new range of functional and degradable materials is anticipated. ASSOCIATED CONTENT Supporting Information Detailed experimental procedures as well as spectroscopic, thermal and chromatographic data. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at REFERENCES 1.Lutz, J.-F.; Bà ¶rner, H. 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Essay --

One job the requires algebra is an Animator. Animators have to draw all kinds of pictures and cartoons and it requires them to use linear algebra for every movement a character or object may make. Algebra also helps create special effects to make the images shine and sparkle. The requirements you must have to do this type of job is that of course you have to have talent, some type of degree in animation, and be pretty decent in math. Animators make around $47,000 a year. Another job that requires algebra would be an accountant. Accountants have to use algebraic equations and lots of graphs. The math is used to make sure things balance and that everything is correct. Using algebra when accounting is very important because it tells you or the person you're helping, know how much they can spend. Requirements are is that you must have a degree in accounting, must have all credits and good grades (pretty much just pass), you must pass the CPA and ethics exam, and have your license. Accountants make around $60,000 a year. A geologist is another job that algebra is required in. They us...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Personal Narrative - The Rice Fields of Home :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

The Rice Fields of Home I remember the big Gingko tree on the little hill. It was an old tree, shaped like a grandma with her curved back and wrinkly body. I loved how its leaves turned golden yellow during the autumn. I called them, Eun-hang Ip. Whenever the wind blew, it was snowing yellow, and I was covered with them. I would often doze off in that yellow blanket while the sunshine held my feet with her warm hands and the gentle breeze brushed my hair. In my dreams, I climbed that tree all the way up and reached the clouds--the white cotton candies. Carefree, worry free; my younger years... Everything seemed so beautiful in my eyes. Mother Nature was with me and she filled the absence of my real mother during my childhood; my daily life started with the satisfying weather and ended without complaints. All four seasons shared their charm equally and decorated my memories with their pretty details. I never forget my grandpa’s sky-blue antique bicycle and its’ two gigantic wheels. It didn’t have a break, but it made a little squeak sound every now and then which brought out more of its’ oldie character. I would paddle that bicycle through my peaceful, car-less road. The trees on the side of the road with their arms arched inward made the way seem like a tunnel. The little bits of sunbeams that sneaked in between the leaves, looked like the sparkling Christmas tree lights. When the tree tunnel ended the paddling also stopped, and the gravity took control because it was going down the hill. With the sudden acceleration and the bursting of full blazing sunshine, I closed my eyes, feeling the speed all over my body. Red, pink, yellow, and white Cosmos flowers, which replaced the trees on the side, were the first colors back into my little peaking eyes. As I rode through the flower tunnel, now slow and calm again, I could hear the fall wind wh istle. Time of harvest, a six years old me running around and following my family, was a busy time. All the rice fields, which were once covered with rice plants, were cut.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Beowulf and the Dragon :: Anglo Saxon Strength Poems Essays

Beowulf and the Dragon Beowulf is a poem about strength and courage. This is illustrated in the eighth section of the story called â€Å"Beowulf and the Dragon.† A slave, a hero and a dragon play a big role in this section. The characters are well developed, as is the setup for the conclusion of the poem. In the scene, â€Å"Beowulf and the Dragon,† a slave guilty of wrongdoing has to steal to earn his freedom and be forgiven for what he has done wrong. The slave decides to steal a beautiful cup to pay off his mistake, which was probably murder. The slave does not realize that he is stealing from the dragon until he actually sees the dragon. The slave immediately knows that it is an enormous mistake to anger the dragon, but he panics and leaves with the cup. When the dragon awakes after three hundred years of sleep, he discovers that his cup has been stolen. The dragon, also known as the worm, fills with anger and rage. Even though he is so angry, he does like the idea of battle: â€Å"Yet he took joy in the thought of war, in the work of fighting† (Donaldson 40). The dragon cannot wait to ravage the land of the people where one man has stolen from him: â€Å"The hoard-guard waited restless until evening came; then the barrow-keeper was in rage: he would requite that precious drinking cup with vengeful fire† (Donaldson 40). The dragon destroys the land and kills everyone around. The dragon even destroys Beowulf’s home. When Beowulf finds out about his home being destroyed, he decides that he is going to kill the dragon himself. Although Beowulf is very old at this point, he still has the confidence to slay the dragon. Beowulf has been king for fifty years, and he knows that all of his experiences in battle is enough for him to defeat the dragon. This is the first scene in where we see Beowulf as an old man. The poem skips fifty years between the first and second parts, and this scene picks up after the fifty-year gap. This scene also sets up Beowulf’s last great battle, which happens with the dragon. This scene also describes Anglo-Saxon beliefs. The scene shows how the people, and the dragon, love to fight. It is their way of life. It also shows a little bit of the law.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hum/130 Final

Buddhism HUM/130 January 13, 2013 Buddhism In this paper we will put to an end to the ongoing question if the Buddhists are bowing down to Idols or Gods and why they do what they do. This paper will go into detail about the temple that I went to and the different tours that I was able to go on and the interview I was able to hold. I will also go into great detail about what you experience during one of the services in the Main Shrine. The Hsi Lai Temple sits on 15 acres of land and has a floor area of 102,432 sq. ft. nd is located at 3456 Glenmark Drive, Hacienda Heights CA 91745. The architecture when you first drive up is mind blowing and beautiful. The architecture stays true to the traditional styles of buildings, gardens, and statuary of the ancient Chinese monasteries. They started the planning and building of the temple in 1978 and finished the building ten years later in 1988. Hsi Lai means â€Å"coming west† and signifies the dedication of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist O rder to spreading the teachings of the Buddha. Fo Guang Shan is the largest monastery and covers over 370 acres.When you walk up the first set of steps you come to what they call the gate. On the top part of the sign it says Hsi Lai Temple which again means â€Å"coming west† and then on the four pillars it says the four universal vows, which are â€Å"to save all sentient beings, to eradicate all worries, to study the boundless Dharma, and to attain supreme Buddhahood. † After you walk up the steps from the lower parking lot where the gate is you walk up more steps to the upper parking lot and then from their you walk up more steps to what they call the Bodhisattva Hall.Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings that made a vow to selflessly serve others with loving-kindness and compassion and are committed to liberating all beings from suffering. It is said that each one of the bodhisattvas represents a virtuous quality essential to all Buddhists. When talking about the bod hisattvas they made a point to make sure that we understood that when we saw that people were bowing to them that they were not bowing to an idol, but rather a sign of showing respect and seeking their guidance to develop the virtuous qualities they represent. Bowing also shows our own humility and the curbing of our ego.There are five bodhisattvas are: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva which is symbolic of great practice, and helping us achieve more discipline in our daily life, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva which was known for his great vow to help all beings in hell and would not stop till hell was emptied of all beings, Maitreya Bodhisattva is the future Buddha and is the symbol of great benevolence and is often referred to as Happy Buddah, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva which symbolizes the perfection and loving-kindness, and Manjusri Bodhisattva which is known for great wisdom which empowers one to distinguish universal morality from wrongdoing.Underneath the five bodhisattva are engraved Chine se characters from the Diamond Sutra. Next to the Heart Sutra the Diamond Sutra is the most widely read of the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra, and is highly valued among sects in Chan Buddhism.While I was at the His Lai Temple I found that they have an information where you can go on two different types of tours of their temple: the first being a self-guided audio tour where they give you a cd player and it gives you valuable information about the temple and all its rooms and buildings as well as the gardens and information on the statues that are found throughout the temple, The second type of tour they offer is with a docent who is more than willing to answer any questions that may come up during the tour, while they inform you about everything within the temple.The two gardens I was able to see within the temple was: the first being the Arhat Garden where the eighteen arhats are seated. The Arhats have realized the truth of no-self and that all is a composite of the five aggregates dep endant on other phenomena originally empty and subject to impermanence. It is said that the eighteen Arharts were able to overcome the difilements of greed, anger, and ignorance.The eighteen Arhats are: Cudapanthaka which is the door watching arhat, Jivaka which is the heart exposing arhat, Vajraputra which is the persuading arhat, Subinda which is the pagoda holding arhat, Panthaka which is the arhat with stretched arms, Kalika which is the dust cleaning arhat, Bhadra which is the arhat that crossed the river, Pindola which is the arhat with long eyebrows, Nakula which is the silently seated arhat, Ajita which is the arhat riding the deer, Maitreya which is the tiger taming arhat, Angaja which is the arhat with a sack, Vananasim which is the arhat under the banana tree, Rahula which is the arhat in deep conversation, Manakassapa which the dragon subduing arhat, Kanakabharadavaja which is the arhat holding the alms bowl, Nagasena which is the ear cleaning arhat, and Kanakavatsa whic h is the jolly arhat. The second garden is the Avalokitesvara Garden. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is seated on a giant rock with both her attendants, Shanci and Longnu who are standing beside her.Surrounding the pond are the four Deva Kings: Virudhaka of the Southern Kingdom which is holding the sword, Virupaksa of the Western Kingdom which is holding the dragon, Dhanada of the Northern Kingdom which is holding the umbrella, and the Dhrtarastra of the Eastern Kingdom which is holding a sitar. The four Deva Kings are revered as guardians who protect devout sentient beings from being harmed by unwholesome elements. Standing around the four Deva Kings are the four Dragon Kings of the Four Seas. The flowing water in the garden is symbolic of the Dharma water flowing everywhere to purify people’s minds. Although the Buddhist love informing people of their religion and teaching you about their beliefs. They are really not very forth coming when it comes to helping someone who is the re for a school assignment.I was asked by the individual to leave his name out and was further informed that they do not normally do this kind of interview. When asked about the holidays and traditions he said the most important holiday is Wesak Day which comes in May on the day of the full moon. As for traditions he said that it all depends on the form of Buddhism tradition that you followed. When asked how has his life has been shaped by the Buddhism religion he said that it has made him a more understanding person to what he called the true nature of life. When asked what the biggest challenge is to the Buddhist religion he said that with all beliefs the biggest challenge is changing you.He has been practicing Buddhism since he was born and was taught by monks and other teachers about the Buddhist religion. When asked if there were any dietary restrictions, he did not come out and say that you had to be vegan but stated that it was more wholesome to be vegan. During our interview I found that it was real simple to become a Buddhist and that all you really have to do is follow the teachings. After that question he seemed to be in a real hurry to end the interview but I thanked him for his time and let him know that what I was able to get answered was very helpful. When it came to compairing this religion to another I chose Christianity, not because it was the easier to compare because I found them to have very obvious differences.In Christianity when you become a Christian you accept God into your heart as Lord and Savior and then are baptized as a symbol of the washing of your sins. When you become a Buddhist you just start following the teachings of the Buddha. The other difference that stood out to me was that Christians believe in a heaven and hell and Buddhist believe that hell is only in the mind. Christians believe that when you die you go to heaven to be with your Lord and Savior, Buddhist believe that when you are done with this life you are reincar nated in the next life. I found this religion to be incredibly interesting as well as beautiful. This religion is all about selflessness, which I found in this day and age to be comforting.In order to become a Buddhists you, you are told to give up all your worldly possessions. Today, everything is about worldly possessions from the cell phone that they have the designer clothes they own, to the car that they drive. When the subject of material possessions is brought up it starts making you think about what is really important in your life and how much thought you actually put into material possessions. I have found that people say that their family and friends are important, but if someone were to ask them to give up these possessions what do you think they would say? These people would tell you that you were out of your mind and then proceed to give you every excuse under the sun on why they could not do this.I believe that it takes an amazing person to be able to put someone else ’s life before their own and to truly be devoted unconditionally. As I watched the monks interact with people throughout the times I was there it seemed like they were truly at peace and seemed like they had it all figured out when it came to life. When I first started the assignment I thought that it was going to be stuffy and that I would have to deal with someone who did not want to truly be in the place of having to help someone with a school paper. I found that to be completely false and actually found that not only the monks were willing to answer questions, but all the staff members were happy to answer whatever questions that anybody came up with.At the end of this assignment I found that Buddhism not only left you with such a serine feeling not only while you were in the temple but when you left it made you feel like you could accomplish anything if you just believed. They believe that the only way to truly achieve happiness is by giving up yourself and start paying more attention to others. References: An Introduction to Buddhism. (2000). Retrieved from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/buddhaintro. html Religious Tolerance. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. religioustolerance. org/buddhism. htm buddhanet. (2013). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cwe/citation_generator/web_01_01. asp

Friday, August 16, 2019

Walt Disney

The Magic of Walt Disney Jenna Weinstein February 18, 2011 US History 10H Mr. Diamond Period 3 Jenna Weinstein 2/18/11 U. S. History 10H Mr. Diamond Period 3 The Magic of Walt Disney Walt Disney is considered an icon of American pop culture and has made many contributions to the American entertainment industry. A self-made-man from the Midwest, he became an inspiration to all American children and adults. Hailing from the heart of America, he was very patriotic and contributed a great deal to our country in times of need. What was most likeable about Walt Disney was that he was relatable; he came to embody the American values of courage, determination, wholesomeness, innocence, imagination, and self-confidence. Although Walt Disney was influenced by the setting in which he grew up, he shaped the American pop culture and everyday life of virtually the entire twentieth century, and he supported our country in times of need; his legacy continues today. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois, but his family moved soon after his birth. Although Walt Disney shaped most of twentieth century pop culture, he himself was influenced by his small midwestern hometown: Marceline, Missouri. Walt Disney only lived there for a few years as a child, but it still had a major impact on his life and career. It was a traditional, Midwestern town which made Disney just an average guy, relatable to any other typical American. This ordinary town lacked magical and fantastical features, which could have contributed to his craving for magic and fantasy later in life. He grew up around animals on a farm; so many of his early animations consisted of animals and rural themes. He used a lot of â€Å"outhouse† and farm humor in his cartoons such as outhouse gags, goosing gags, bedpans, Johnny-pots, thinly disguised farts, and cow udders. Even though Disney grew up in a traditional American small-town, his childhood occurred during the onset of the decline of small-town America. Disney loved small-town America so much that he wanted to preserve and live by its values, such as self-determination and hard work, because they were fleeting so fast. Disney brought these values to everything he did in life and tried to encourage them in others. Walt Disney’s first claim to fame was the animated character, Mickey Mouse. Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928, and from the very moment Mickey hit the public eye he appealed to all Americans. Mickey’s story of â€Å"rags to riches† touched the hearts of many Americans and gave them inspiration to follow their dreams. He was memorable and loveable in that he was the stereotypical hero, coming out victorious in many difficult situations. His courage, strength, will, ingenuity, and faith in himself allowed ordinary Americans to relate to him, and brought hope to them in troubling times. Mickey played many different roles, so many different people could relate to him. Mickey was know all over the world, – Michael Maus in Germany, Michel Souris in France, Miki Kuchi in Japan, Mikkel Mus in Denmark, and Miguel Ratunocito in Spain- and eventually became one of the most well known symbols in the entire world. Mickey Mouse helped bring the world a little closer together, and brought joy and courage to people in times of need. The Great Depression was one of the bleakest periods in American history, but it became a bit more enjoyable with a little help from Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club. The original purpose of this children’s club was to attract more young moviegoers with discounted ticket prices, and its first theater-based club meeting was on January 11, 1930 at the Fox Dome Theater in Ocean Park, California. It gave kids something fun to do during the depression. â€Å"By 1932, there were already over a million boys and girls belonging to the Mickey Mouse clubs all over America. † Local businesses benefitted from the club too: bakeries, ice cream shops, drug stores, and banks all donated prizes for the kids. The free goodies won the kids’ hearts, and the local businesses gained a loyal customer base. The Mickey Mouse Club made kids feel like they were a part of something; at the start of every meeting the club members would recite an oath, and each club member received an ID card with the oath printed on it upon joining the club. Like the Boy Scouts, the Mickey Mouse Club taught kids how to be good and useful citizens, truthful, honorable, to follow their dreams, respect their elders, and take care of the aged, helpless, and smaller children. The Mickey Mouse club instilled values in the children of the depression, which were then carried through the rest of the century and helped make good citizens out of generations of children. Walt Disney’s empire grew from a small â€Å"studio† over a garage to a world famous corporation. Walt Disney Studios was built in 1939 in Burbank California, specifically for the animation process. As Disney Studios became more popular, they began selling products featuring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other familiar Disney cartoon characters. All of America was covered with Mickey Mouse wallpaper, dishware, cookie jars, ashtrays, salt and peppershakers, watches, clothes, wallets, pocketbooks, lunchboxes, and other household items. Mickey Mouse infiltrated every home and became a part of everyday life. Disney merchandise helped stimulate America’s economy during the Great Depression; people may have been short on cash, but they always had enough for Disney merchandise. Disney sold approximately twenty million dollars worth of merchandise from mid-1933 to mid-1934. Disney even saved several companies from going bankrupt during the depression. Ingerscroll-Waterbury got the license to sell Mickey Mouse watches, and Lionel Corporation got the license to sell Mickey and Minnie themed electric train toys. These companies were saved from bankruptcy because people could not resist buying anything Mickey Mouse-themed. In the 1950’s the Mousecap was the primary symbol of Mickey Mouse pop culture. Children were proud to wear them and say that they were official members of the club. That decade Mickey â€Å"appeared on five thousand different items, which had contributed a quarter of a billion dollars to the gross national product. Mickey Mouse became an authoritative figure in the merchandise world. Whatever companies Mickey Mouse endorsed, such as General Food, Standard Oil, National Biscuit Company, and National Dairy Products, consumers would always buy their products. Numerous of companies fought to get Mickey Mouse as their spokesperson. Liquor, cigarette, and pharmaceutical companies vied for Mickey’s support, but Disney would not sponsor anything that went against Mickey’s wholesome image. Mickey Mouse had a huge influence on the merchandise industry of the twentieth century, and in doing so Disney Studios extended its power to the economic and everyday part of American life. During World War II Walt Disney expanded his studios to play a role in American politics. After the attack on Pearl Harbor the U. S. government commissioned Disney Studios to create military training videos and propaganda films. Since Mickey Mouse was so popular the government thought they could make military training a little more enjoyable by employing Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters for the movies. Disney Studios became the first and only Hollywood studio the army took over, when 500 US army troops were stationed there. They stored repaired equipment in the soundstage and held ammunition in the sheds. President Franklin Roosevelt used Mickey Mouse as an international symbol of peace to improve the U. S. ’s Good Neighbor Policy; Walt Disney led a Goodwill Tour in South America in 1941 where a vast amount of kids who did not even speak English were eager to meet the creator of Mickey Mouse. Disney was also commissioned by the United States Treasury Department to create a film that would encourage people to pay their taxes. Mickey Mouse appeared as an Uncle Sam type figure and was the symbol of American patriotism during World War II. Mickey was the star of many U. S. nd Allied war posters and propaganda. He appeared on at least 35 home-front insignia designs created by Disney Studios, and he was the mascot for the Red Cross during the war. Disney and Mickey Mouse were such a big part of American culture and the war effort that â€Å"the password for the Allies who stormed the beach at Normandy to crush the German army was ‘Mickey Mouse. ’† Even people on t he Axis Powers looked to Mickey for inspiration during the war. Walt Disney’s help in the war effort further incorporated Disney into the pop culture and everyday life of Americans. One of Walt Disney’s greatest contributions to American pop culture was the amusement park, Disneyland, in Anaheim, California. With Disneyland Walt Disney changed the whole idea of an amusement park. It was not simply a park; it was a whole world; a full imaginative experience. Building Disneyland allowed Walt Disney to live out his imagination, and visiting Disneyland allowed every person to live out his or her wildest dreams. Disneyland appealed to everybody. The park’s traditional turn-of-the-century American main street- Mainstreet USA- made everyone feel at home. Disney filled the park with iconic American images along with images that he had created such as Cinderella, Snow White, the Three Little Pigs, and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Disneyland exemplified how much Walt Disney had influenced the imaginations of Americans by creating a certain psychological experience in the park; it was not too loud, crowded, or chaotic like other parks, and everything was soft, harmonious, and unthreatening. The park was also appealing in its cleanliness, the efficiency of the lines, the weather, and even the sound of the park. Disneyland manipulated people into being happy by bringing out the child in everyone, but people were fine with the fact that they were being manipulated because it was executed so well. Disneyland also provided a lesson in American heritage; it taught Americans to remember their roots and traditional post-war values before they go on to fulfill their dreams. Disneyland was also a reflection of Walt Disney himself. Walt Disney put every single one of his living fibers into his park. He micromanaged everything and obsessed over every little detail until it was perfect. His commitment to the quality of the park was one thing that made it so successful; he continuously improved the park, came up with new ideas, new angles, and new additions to make Disneyland more attractive. He felt like this park was another chance to create his fantasy world and make everything exactly how he wanted it. Disneyland portrayed Disney’s sense of wish fulfillment, and life experiences and journey with the use of the different worlds of Disneyland. The images and different lands created in Disneyland could also be applied to the history and growth of America. Frontierland displayed traditional turn-of-the-century images and transported the guests back in time. Fantasyland allowed Americans to live out their wildest dreams and imagination. Adventureland depicted America’s desire for excitement and new experiences. Tomorrowland illustrated the promise of coming technological advances and America’s desire for progress. Disneyland was more than just an amusement park: it affected the lives of generations of people. Walt Disney had such a great effect on people because he embodied the idea of a true American. He represented the typical self-made, family man that people could look to and think if he can make it big, then so can I. Disney was simple, clean, moral, and innocent, and these qualities were infused into his animations and transmitted to people. His old-fashion values such as hard work, perseverance, generosity, and integrity emanated from everything he did and people were just drawn to him. These qualities and values gave people what they needed in troubling times: hope and the ability to believe in themselves. Disney’s personality made him a beloved figure in millions of middle-class households, and he affected the lives of many Americans. Walt Disney died on December 16, 1966, but his legacy continued long after he was gone. In Disney’s mind his greatest legacy would be his work with the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Nelbert Chouinard created the Chouinard Art Institute in 1921 with the belief that an art school was needed on the west coast of the United States. Disney had been interested in the Chouinard Institute since the 1930’s and when Mrs. Chouinard fell ill could not take care of it anymore he took over the institute. Disney knew how difficult it was to get admitted to art school and become successful, so he wanted to help out aspiring artists as much as he could. He financed the school, expanded it, and eventually combined it with the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and renamed it the California Institute of the Arts. Walt even said that CalArts would be what he is remembered for. Walt Disney’s legacies continue to have an ongoing impact. Disney’s brother, Roy, once said about Walt Disney, â€Å"There is no way to replace Walt Disney. He was an extraordinary man. Perhaps there will never be another like him. † He distracted people from the strife of the Great Depression, helped our country during World War II, and provided support afterwards. He taught children how to be responsible citizens, while still allowing them to have fun and follow their dreams. He reinforced traditional American values into the minds of Americans. He helped connect the cultures of the world through the use of an iconic cartoon image, while making American culture the most dominant. He recreated the idea of an amusement park and encouraged wish fulfillment. Most importantly he demonstrated how one could turn dreams into reality. Walt Disney inspired the live of millions of children and adults all over the world, and he is considered one of the most influential people of the twentieth century. Works Cited â€Å"Art: Profound Mouse. † Time, 15 May 1933 http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,745525-2,00. html (2 November 2010). Gabler, Neal. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. New York: Random House, Inc. , 2006. Heide, Robert, and John Gilman. Mickey Mouse The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon!. New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc. 2001. Press, Petra. A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades The 1930s. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc. , 1999. Schickel, Richard. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of Walt Disney. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968. Watts, Steven. The Magic Kingdom Walt Disney and the American Way of Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997.  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Ibid. , 6. [ 2 ]. Robert Heide and John Gilman. Mickey Mouse The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon. (New York: Disney Enterprises Inc. , 2001). 6. [ 3 ]. Ibid. , 9. [ 4 ]. Art: Profound Mouse,† Time (1933). http://www. time/magazine/article/0,9171,745525-2,000. html (accessed November 2, 2010). [ 5 ]. Heide. 22. [ 6 ]. Petra Press. A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades The 1930’s. (San Diego: Lucent Books, 1999). 94. [ 7 ]. Heide. 22. [ 8 ]. â€Å"Art: Profound Mouse† [ 9 ]. Heide. 86. [ 10 ]. Watts. 148. [ 11 ]. Ibid. , 148. [ 12 ]. Heide. 101. [ 13 ]. Ibid. , 103. [ 14 ]. Heide. 101. [ 15 ]. Ibid. , 103. [ 16 ]. Ibid. , 71. [ 17 ]. Watts. 228. [ 18 ]. Heide. 72. [ 19 ]. Watts. 231. [ 20 ]. Heide. 73. [ 21 ]. Ibid. , 77. [ 22 ]. Ibid. , 81. [ 23 ]. Ibid. , 76. [ 24 ]. Neal Gabler. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. (New York: Random House Inc. , 2006). 632. [ 25 ]. Ibid. , 496. [ 26 ]. Ibid. , 497. [ 27 ]. Gabler. 498. [ 28 ]. Ibid. , 535. [ 29 ]. Ibid. , 499. [ 30 ]. Ibid. , 496. [ 31 ]. Watts. 390. [ 32 ]. Gabler. 492. [ 33 ]. Ibid. , 499. [ 34 ]. Watts. 393. [ 35 ]. Ibid. , 146. [ 36 ]. Richard Shickel. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of alt Disney. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968). 72. [ 37 ]. Watts. 146. [ 38 ]. Ibid. , 358. [ 39 ]. Gabler. 591-592. [ 40 ]. Ibid. , 631. [ 41 ]. Ibid. , 632. Walt disney Disney is one of the most recognized names in the world, but few know as much about the man behind the Magic Kingdom, not to mention the hundreds of animated cartoons countless feature films and endless toys that bear his name As the man of his time Walt Disney was an innovative animator and created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse that inspired children around the world. Coming up as a kid, Disney had four brothers and one sister.He lived most of his childhood in Marceline, Missouri were he began to start drawing as a kid Disney unlike most was an entrepreneur , as fast as he could draw he would sell his paintings and his pictures o the neighbors and family friends. When Disney was 16 he dropped out of high school to Join the army, but was rejected for being underage. Instead, he Joined the red-cross and was sent to France for a year.Soon after returning from France his brother Roy got him a Job at the Pesman-Rubin art studio where he made commercials based on cutout animation. In the late 1930s and early 1940s were tough times for American businesses. Disney made it through the Great Depression and World War II by dedicating much of his new studio to producing health, education and propaganda films for the U. S. government. It also produced short comedies aimed at boosting national morale. To raise additional money Disney took his operation public in 1940.He would win 26 Oscars over the course of his career, the most awards given to any individual. During the next few years, Goofy- Donald Duck and several other memorable characters Joined Mickey. But Disney believed the future of company was in feature-length films, and released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937. It was the first feature-length animated movie to be produced in Technicolor, and cost nearly $1. 5 million to make an unheard of amount in Depression-era America. Walt Disney The Magic of Walt Disney Jenna Weinstein February 18, 2011 US History 10H Mr. Diamond Period 3 Jenna Weinstein 2/18/11 U. S. History 10H Mr. Diamond Period 3 The Magic of Walt Disney Walt Disney is considered an icon of American pop culture and has made many contributions to the American entertainment industry. A self-made-man from the Midwest, he became an inspiration to all American children and adults. Hailing from the heart of America, he was very patriotic and contributed a great deal to our country in times of need. What was most likeable about Walt Disney was that he was relatable; he came to embody the American values of courage, determination, wholesomeness, innocence, imagination, and self-confidence. Although Walt Disney was influenced by the setting in which he grew up, he shaped the American pop culture and everyday life of virtually the entire twentieth century, and he supported our country in times of need; his legacy continues today. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois, but his family moved soon after his birth. Although Walt Disney shaped most of twentieth century pop culture, he himself was influenced by his small midwestern hometown: Marceline, Missouri. Walt Disney only lived there for a few years as a child, but it still had a major impact on his life and career. It was a traditional, Midwestern town which made Disney just an average guy, relatable to any other typical American. This ordinary town lacked magical and fantastical features, which could have contributed to his craving for magic and fantasy later in life. He grew up around animals on a farm; so many of his early animations consisted of animals and rural themes. He used a lot of â€Å"outhouse† and farm humor in his cartoons such as outhouse gags, goosing gags, bedpans, Johnny-pots, thinly disguised farts, and cow udders. Even though Disney grew up in a traditional American small-town, his childhood occurred during the onset of the decline of small-town America. Disney loved small-town America so much that he wanted to preserve and live by its values, such as self-determination and hard work, because they were fleeting so fast. Disney brought these values to everything he did in life and tried to encourage them in others. Walt Disney’s first claim to fame was the animated character, Mickey Mouse. Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928, and from the very moment Mickey hit the public eye he appealed to all Americans. Mickey’s story of â€Å"rags to riches† touched the hearts of many Americans and gave them inspiration to follow their dreams. He was memorable and loveable in that he was the stereotypical hero, coming out victorious in many difficult situations. His courage, strength, will, ingenuity, and faith in himself allowed ordinary Americans to relate to him, and brought hope to them in troubling times. Mickey played many different roles, so many different people could relate to him. Mickey was know all over the world, – Michael Maus in Germany, Michel Souris in France, Miki Kuchi in Japan, Mikkel Mus in Denmark, and Miguel Ratunocito in Spain- and eventually became one of the most well known symbols in the entire world. Mickey Mouse helped bring the world a little closer together, and brought joy and courage to people in times of need. The Great Depression was one of the bleakest periods in American history, but it became a bit more enjoyable with a little help from Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club. The original purpose of this children’s club was to attract more young moviegoers with discounted ticket prices, and its first theater-based club meeting was on January 11, 1930 at the Fox Dome Theater in Ocean Park, California. It gave kids something fun to do during the depression. â€Å"By 1932, there were already over a million boys and girls belonging to the Mickey Mouse clubs all over America. † Local businesses benefitted from the club too: bakeries, ice cream shops, drug stores, and banks all donated prizes for the kids. The free goodies won the kids’ hearts, and the local businesses gained a loyal customer base. The Mickey Mouse Club made kids feel like they were a part of something; at the start of every meeting the club members would recite an oath, and each club member received an ID card with the oath printed on it upon joining the club. Like the Boy Scouts, the Mickey Mouse Club taught kids how to be good and useful citizens, truthful, honorable, to follow their dreams, respect their elders, and take care of the aged, helpless, and smaller children. The Mickey Mouse club instilled values in the children of the depression, which were then carried through the rest of the century and helped make good citizens out of generations of children. Walt Disney’s empire grew from a small â€Å"studio† over a garage to a world famous corporation. Walt Disney Studios was built in 1939 in Burbank California, specifically for the animation process. As Disney Studios became more popular, they began selling products featuring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other familiar Disney cartoon characters. All of America was covered with Mickey Mouse wallpaper, dishware, cookie jars, ashtrays, salt and peppershakers, watches, clothes, wallets, pocketbooks, lunchboxes, and other household items. Mickey Mouse infiltrated every home and became a part of everyday life. Disney merchandise helped stimulate America’s economy during the Great Depression; people may have been short on cash, but they always had enough for Disney merchandise. Disney sold approximately twenty million dollars worth of merchandise from mid-1933 to mid-1934. Disney even saved several companies from going bankrupt during the depression. Ingerscroll-Waterbury got the license to sell Mickey Mouse watches, and Lionel Corporation got the license to sell Mickey and Minnie themed electric train toys. These companies were saved from bankruptcy because people could not resist buying anything Mickey Mouse-themed. In the 1950’s the Mousecap was the primary symbol of Mickey Mouse pop culture. Children were proud to wear them and say that they were official members of the club. That decade Mickey â€Å"appeared on five thousand different items, which had contributed a quarter of a billion dollars to the gross national product. Mickey Mouse became an authoritative figure in the merchandise world. Whatever companies Mickey Mouse endorsed, such as General Food, Standard Oil, National Biscuit Company, and National Dairy Products, consumers would always buy their products. Numerous of companies fought to get Mickey Mouse as their spokesperson. Liquor, cigarette, and pharmaceutical companies vied for Mickey’s support, but Disney would not sponsor anything that went against Mickey’s wholesome image. Mickey Mouse had a huge influence on the merchandise industry of the twentieth century, and in doing so Disney Studios extended its power to the economic and everyday part of American life. During World War II Walt Disney expanded his studios to play a role in American politics. After the attack on Pearl Harbor the U. S. government commissioned Disney Studios to create military training videos and propaganda films. Since Mickey Mouse was so popular the government thought they could make military training a little more enjoyable by employing Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters for the movies. Disney Studios became the first and only Hollywood studio the army took over, when 500 US army troops were stationed there. They stored repaired equipment in the soundstage and held ammunition in the sheds. President Franklin Roosevelt used Mickey Mouse as an international symbol of peace to improve the U. S. ’s Good Neighbor Policy; Walt Disney led a Goodwill Tour in South America in 1941 where a vast amount of kids who did not even speak English were eager to meet the creator of Mickey Mouse. Disney was also commissioned by the United States Treasury Department to create a film that would encourage people to pay their taxes. Mickey Mouse appeared as an Uncle Sam type figure and was the symbol of American patriotism during World War II. Mickey was the star of many U. S. nd Allied war posters and propaganda. He appeared on at least 35 home-front insignia designs created by Disney Studios, and he was the mascot for the Red Cross during the war. Disney and Mickey Mouse were such a big part of American culture and the war effort that â€Å"the password for the Allies who stormed the beach at Normandy to crush the German army was ‘Mickey Mouse. ’† Even people on t he Axis Powers looked to Mickey for inspiration during the war. Walt Disney’s help in the war effort further incorporated Disney into the pop culture and everyday life of Americans. One of Walt Disney’s greatest contributions to American pop culture was the amusement park, Disneyland, in Anaheim, California. With Disneyland Walt Disney changed the whole idea of an amusement park. It was not simply a park; it was a whole world; a full imaginative experience. Building Disneyland allowed Walt Disney to live out his imagination, and visiting Disneyland allowed every person to live out his or her wildest dreams. Disneyland appealed to everybody. The park’s traditional turn-of-the-century American main street- Mainstreet USA- made everyone feel at home. Disney filled the park with iconic American images along with images that he had created such as Cinderella, Snow White, the Three Little Pigs, and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Disneyland exemplified how much Walt Disney had influenced the imaginations of Americans by creating a certain psychological experience in the park; it was not too loud, crowded, or chaotic like other parks, and everything was soft, harmonious, and unthreatening. The park was also appealing in its cleanliness, the efficiency of the lines, the weather, and even the sound of the park. Disneyland manipulated people into being happy by bringing out the child in everyone, but people were fine with the fact that they were being manipulated because it was executed so well. Disneyland also provided a lesson in American heritage; it taught Americans to remember their roots and traditional post-war values before they go on to fulfill their dreams. Disneyland was also a reflection of Walt Disney himself. Walt Disney put every single one of his living fibers into his park. He micromanaged everything and obsessed over every little detail until it was perfect. His commitment to the quality of the park was one thing that made it so successful; he continuously improved the park, came up with new ideas, new angles, and new additions to make Disneyland more attractive. He felt like this park was another chance to create his fantasy world and make everything exactly how he wanted it. Disneyland portrayed Disney’s sense of wish fulfillment, and life experiences and journey with the use of the different worlds of Disneyland. The images and different lands created in Disneyland could also be applied to the history and growth of America. Frontierland displayed traditional turn-of-the-century images and transported the guests back in time. Fantasyland allowed Americans to live out their wildest dreams and imagination. Adventureland depicted America’s desire for excitement and new experiences. Tomorrowland illustrated the promise of coming technological advances and America’s desire for progress. Disneyland was more than just an amusement park: it affected the lives of generations of people. Walt Disney had such a great effect on people because he embodied the idea of a true American. He represented the typical self-made, family man that people could look to and think if he can make it big, then so can I. Disney was simple, clean, moral, and innocent, and these qualities were infused into his animations and transmitted to people. His old-fashion values such as hard work, perseverance, generosity, and integrity emanated from everything he did and people were just drawn to him. These qualities and values gave people what they needed in troubling times: hope and the ability to believe in themselves. Disney’s personality made him a beloved figure in millions of middle-class households, and he affected the lives of many Americans. Walt Disney died on December 16, 1966, but his legacy continued long after he was gone. In Disney’s mind his greatest legacy would be his work with the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Nelbert Chouinard created the Chouinard Art Institute in 1921 with the belief that an art school was needed on the west coast of the United States. Disney had been interested in the Chouinard Institute since the 1930’s and when Mrs. Chouinard fell ill could not take care of it anymore he took over the institute. Disney knew how difficult it was to get admitted to art school and become successful, so he wanted to help out aspiring artists as much as he could. He financed the school, expanded it, and eventually combined it with the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and renamed it the California Institute of the Arts. Walt even said that CalArts would be what he is remembered for. Walt Disney’s legacies continue to have an ongoing impact. Disney’s brother, Roy, once said about Walt Disney, â€Å"There is no way to replace Walt Disney. He was an extraordinary man. Perhaps there will never be another like him. † He distracted people from the strife of the Great Depression, helped our country during World War II, and provided support afterwards. He taught children how to be responsible citizens, while still allowing them to have fun and follow their dreams. He reinforced traditional American values into the minds of Americans. He helped connect the cultures of the world through the use of an iconic cartoon image, while making American culture the most dominant. He recreated the idea of an amusement park and encouraged wish fulfillment. Most importantly he demonstrated how one could turn dreams into reality. Walt Disney inspired the live of millions of children and adults all over the world, and he is considered one of the most influential people of the twentieth century. Works Cited â€Å"Art: Profound Mouse. † Time, 15 May 1933 http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,745525-2,00. html (2 November 2010). Gabler, Neal. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. New York: Random House, Inc. , 2006. Heide, Robert, and John Gilman. Mickey Mouse The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon!. New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc. 2001. Press, Petra. A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades The 1930s. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc. , 1999. Schickel, Richard. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of Walt Disney. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968. Watts, Steven. The Magic Kingdom Walt Disney and the American Way of Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997.  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Ibid. , 6. [ 2 ]. Robert Heide and John Gilman. Mickey Mouse The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon. (New York: Disney Enterprises Inc. , 2001). 6. [ 3 ]. Ibid. , 9. [ 4 ]. Art: Profound Mouse,† Time (1933). http://www. time/magazine/article/0,9171,745525-2,000. html (accessed November 2, 2010). [ 5 ]. Heide. 22. [ 6 ]. Petra Press. A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades The 1930’s. (San Diego: Lucent Books, 1999). 94. [ 7 ]. Heide. 22. [ 8 ]. â€Å"Art: Profound Mouse† [ 9 ]. Heide. 86. [ 10 ]. Watts. 148. [ 11 ]. Ibid. , 148. [ 12 ]. Heide. 101. [ 13 ]. Ibid. , 103. [ 14 ]. Heide. 101. [ 15 ]. Ibid. , 103. [ 16 ]. Ibid. , 71. [ 17 ]. Watts. 228. [ 18 ]. Heide. 72. [ 19 ]. Watts. 231. [ 20 ]. Heide. 73. [ 21 ]. Ibid. , 77. [ 22 ]. Ibid. , 81. [ 23 ]. Ibid. , 76. [ 24 ]. Neal Gabler. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. (New York: Random House Inc. , 2006). 632. [ 25 ]. Ibid. , 496. [ 26 ]. Ibid. , 497. [ 27 ]. Gabler. 498. [ 28 ]. Ibid. , 535. [ 29 ]. Ibid. , 499. [ 30 ]. Ibid. , 496. [ 31 ]. Watts. 390. [ 32 ]. Gabler. 492. [ 33 ]. Ibid. , 499. [ 34 ]. Watts. 393. [ 35 ]. Ibid. , 146. [ 36 ]. Richard Shickel. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of alt Disney. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968). 72. [ 37 ]. Watts. 146. [ 38 ]. Ibid. , 358. [ 39 ]. Gabler. 591-592. [ 40 ]. Ibid. , 631. [ 41 ]. Ibid. , 632. Walt disney Time Series Forecasting Introduction: The Walt Disney Company is known to be the worlds most admired entertainment company. It has recently decided to open up a new Paxar themed park in California. In order to do so, the company will need to assure their bank that It Is capable of paying back loans In the future as well as reassuring owners and Investors that they will not lose any money In the future.In order for Walt Disney to carry on with their plan, they need to be able to show their banks, owners and investors a model to predict future values based on historical values. How lucky for them that a group of highly trained time series forecasters are available for a top-dollar price! The group of analysts will decide on a few methods to enter in their data and then determine which technique works best with the corresponding data. They will base their decision by determining which method has the least amount of error as well as the most dependability.With a company this large and a lot at stake, it is crucial for the results to be as efficient as possible so that the proper decisions can be made to follow. The ingenious analysts will use historical data from the past eight years (31 raters) to determine the revenue of the thirty-second quarter. The forecasting will help banks determine whether It is a good Idea to support Walt Disney with a loan. In Dalton, forecasting for the thirty-second quarter will give Important Information can prepare and make plans.Data: The company's historical data involving revenue was collected from the past eight years, a total of thirty-one quarters, from the years 2005 to 2012. Our dependent variable (the variable being predicted) is revenue and our independent variable (used to assess the value of the dependent variable) is time. Revenue was measured in millions and time was measured in quarter periods. Thirty-one observations were included in the dataset in order to receive effective forecasting results.Our source of data was collected from the Walt Disney quarterly earnings report, which is accessible through the following link: http://telecommunications. Com/investors/ financial-information/earnings. Preliminary Analysis When observing the scatter plot above, we look for whether our data is stationary, meaning that it has no trend or seasonality, whether the data shows a consistent rend, or whether the data shows both a trend and seasonality. Using Disney's historical data from the past eight years we determined that there is a slight upward trend from looking at the scatter plots.When forecasting for a positive or negative trend with no seasonal patterns, the Regression method is the technique that works best. In our data set, the variable being predicted is revenue (dependent variable) and time (independent variable) is used to estimate the value of revenue. Plotting these variables allows for us to find the slope of the regression line to determine whether there is a trend. If the slope is zero then there is no trend. If the slope is positive or negative then a trend exists.A line drawn through our data permits us to calculate the slope and create an equation for the line. The slope of our regression line is 79. 218; meaning $79 million in revenue will change for each one quarter time period. Basically, revenue will increase with each quarter time period. Our data will continue to follow the same trend. Essentially we used actual values of revenue from the past eight years to come up with a regression line to predict future values of quarter time periods.Forecasting: Forecasting using Naive Forecasting using Exponential Smoothing Forecasting using Classical Decomposition Evaluation: We can evaluate the different errors of each method by using Bias (mean of errors), MAD (mean absolute deviation), MAPLE (mean absolute percentage error), MUSE (mean square error) and SE (standard error) to determine which forecasting method is the best one. Bias can determine whether we have over or under forecasted the outcomes of our Y variables for each method. If there is a positive bias then are under forecasting (meaning we predicted too low of a future revenue).If there is a negative bias then we are over forecasting (meaning we predicted too high of a future revenue). Bias in a regression method is always zero because half of the errors are positive and the other half are negative logically equaling them out to zero. In the Naive method, our bias is 80. 73 meaning we forecasted too low of a future revenue. In the Exponential Smoothing method, our bias is 473 meaning we forecasted too low of a future revenue. Naturally our bias for regression came out to be zero. MAD gives us the true degree of error in within each method. Walt disney Time Series Forecasting Introduction: The Walt Disney Company is known to be the worlds most admired entertainment company. It has recently decided to open up a new Paxar themed park in California. In order to do so, the company will need to assure their bank that It Is capable of paying back loans In the future as well as reassuring owners and Investors that they will not lose any money In the future.In order for Walt Disney to carry on with their plan, they need to be able to show their banks, owners and investors a model to predict future values based on historical values. How lucky for them that a group of highly trained time series forecasters are available for a top-dollar price! The group of analysts will decide on a few methods to enter in their data and then determine which technique works best with the corresponding data. They will base their decision by determining which method has the least amount of error as well as the most dependability.With a company this large and a lot at stake, it is crucial for the results to be as efficient as possible so that the proper decisions can be made to follow. The ingenious analysts will use historical data from the past eight years (31 raters) to determine the revenue of the thirty-second quarter. The forecasting will help banks determine whether It is a good Idea to support Walt Disney with a loan. In Dalton, forecasting for the thirty-second quarter will give Important Information can prepare and make plans.Data: The company's historical data involving revenue was collected from the past eight years, a total of thirty-one quarters, from the years 2005 to 2012. Our dependent variable (the variable being predicted) is revenue and our independent variable (used to assess the value of the dependent variable) is time. Revenue was measured in millions and time was measured in quarter periods. Thirty-one observations were included in the dataset in order to receive effective forecasting results.Our source of data was collected from the Walt Disney quarterly earnings report, which is accessible through the following link: http://telecommunications. Com/investors/ financial-information/earnings. Preliminary Analysis When observing the scatter plot above, we look for whether our data is stationary, meaning that it has no trend or seasonality, whether the data shows a consistent rend, or whether the data shows both a trend and seasonality. Using Disney's historical data from the past eight years we determined that there is a slight upward trend from looking at the scatter plots.When forecasting for a positive or negative trend with no seasonal patterns, the Regression method is the technique that works best. In our data set, the variable being predicted is revenue (dependent variable) and time (independent variable) is used to estimate the value of revenue. Plotting these variables allows for us to find the slope of the regression line to determine whether there is a trend. If the slope is zero then there is no trend. If the slope is positive or negative then a trend exists.A line drawn through our data permits us to calculate the slope and create an equation for the line. The slope of our regression line is 79. 218; meaning $79 million in revenue will change for each one quarter time period. Basically, revenue will increase with each quarter time period. Our data will continue to follow the same trend. Essentially we used actual values of revenue from the past eight years to come up with a regression line to predict future values of quarter time periods.Forecasting: Forecasting using Naive Forecasting using Exponential Smoothing Forecasting using Classical Decomposition Evaluation: We can evaluate the different errors of each method by using Bias (mean of errors), MAD (mean absolute deviation), MAPLE (mean absolute percentage error), MUSE (mean square error) and SE (standard error) to determine which forecasting method is the best one. Bias can determine whether we have over or under forecasted the outcomes of our Y variables for each method. If there is a positive bias then are under forecasting (meaning we predicted too low of a future revenue).If there is a negative bias then we are over forecasting (meaning we predicted too high of a future revenue). Bias in a regression method is always zero because half of the errors are positive and the other half are negative logically equaling them out to zero. In the Naive method, our bias is 80. 73 meaning we forecasted too low of a future revenue. In the Exponential Smoothing method, our bias is 473 meaning we forecasted too low of a future revenue. Naturally our bias for regression came out to be zero. MAD gives us the true degree of error in within each method. Walt Disney The Magic of Walt Disney Jenna Weinstein February 18, 2011 US History 10H Mr. Diamond Period 3 Jenna Weinstein 2/18/11 U. S. History 10H Mr. Diamond Period 3 The Magic of Walt Disney Walt Disney is considered an icon of American pop culture and has made many contributions to the American entertainment industry. A self-made-man from the Midwest, he became an inspiration to all American children and adults. Hailing from the heart of America, he was very patriotic and contributed a great deal to our country in times of need. What was most likeable about Walt Disney was that he was relatable; he came to embody the American values of courage, determination, wholesomeness, innocence, imagination, and self-confidence. Although Walt Disney was influenced by the setting in which he grew up, he shaped the American pop culture and everyday life of virtually the entire twentieth century, and he supported our country in times of need; his legacy continues today. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois, but his family moved soon after his birth. Although Walt Disney shaped most of twentieth century pop culture, he himself was influenced by his small midwestern hometown: Marceline, Missouri. Walt Disney only lived there for a few years as a child, but it still had a major impact on his life and career. It was a traditional, Midwestern town which made Disney just an average guy, relatable to any other typical American. This ordinary town lacked magical and fantastical features, which could have contributed to his craving for magic and fantasy later in life. He grew up around animals on a farm; so many of his early animations consisted of animals and rural themes. He used a lot of â€Å"outhouse† and farm humor in his cartoons such as outhouse gags, goosing gags, bedpans, Johnny-pots, thinly disguised farts, and cow udders. Even though Disney grew up in a traditional American small-town, his childhood occurred during the onset of the decline of small-town America. Disney loved small-town America so much that he wanted to preserve and live by its values, such as self-determination and hard work, because they were fleeting so fast. Disney brought these values to everything he did in life and tried to encourage them in others. Walt Disney’s first claim to fame was the animated character, Mickey Mouse. Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928, and from the very moment Mickey hit the public eye he appealed to all Americans. Mickey’s story of â€Å"rags to riches† touched the hearts of many Americans and gave them inspiration to follow their dreams. He was memorable and loveable in that he was the stereotypical hero, coming out victorious in many difficult situations. His courage, strength, will, ingenuity, and faith in himself allowed ordinary Americans to relate to him, and brought hope to them in troubling times. Mickey played many different roles, so many different people could relate to him. Mickey was know all over the world, – Michael Maus in Germany, Michel Souris in France, Miki Kuchi in Japan, Mikkel Mus in Denmark, and Miguel Ratunocito in Spain- and eventually became one of the most well known symbols in the entire world. Mickey Mouse helped bring the world a little closer together, and brought joy and courage to people in times of need. The Great Depression was one of the bleakest periods in American history, but it became a bit more enjoyable with a little help from Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club. The original purpose of this children’s club was to attract more young moviegoers with discounted ticket prices, and its first theater-based club meeting was on January 11, 1930 at the Fox Dome Theater in Ocean Park, California. It gave kids something fun to do during the depression. â€Å"By 1932, there were already over a million boys and girls belonging to the Mickey Mouse clubs all over America. † Local businesses benefitted from the club too: bakeries, ice cream shops, drug stores, and banks all donated prizes for the kids. The free goodies won the kids’ hearts, and the local businesses gained a loyal customer base. The Mickey Mouse Club made kids feel like they were a part of something; at the start of every meeting the club members would recite an oath, and each club member received an ID card with the oath printed on it upon joining the club. Like the Boy Scouts, the Mickey Mouse Club taught kids how to be good and useful citizens, truthful, honorable, to follow their dreams, respect their elders, and take care of the aged, helpless, and smaller children. The Mickey Mouse club instilled values in the children of the depression, which were then carried through the rest of the century and helped make good citizens out of generations of children. Walt Disney’s empire grew from a small â€Å"studio† over a garage to a world famous corporation. Walt Disney Studios was built in 1939 in Burbank California, specifically for the animation process. As Disney Studios became more popular, they began selling products featuring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other familiar Disney cartoon characters. All of America was covered with Mickey Mouse wallpaper, dishware, cookie jars, ashtrays, salt and peppershakers, watches, clothes, wallets, pocketbooks, lunchboxes, and other household items. Mickey Mouse infiltrated every home and became a part of everyday life. Disney merchandise helped stimulate America’s economy during the Great Depression; people may have been short on cash, but they always had enough for Disney merchandise. Disney sold approximately twenty million dollars worth of merchandise from mid-1933 to mid-1934. Disney even saved several companies from going bankrupt during the depression. Ingerscroll-Waterbury got the license to sell Mickey Mouse watches, and Lionel Corporation got the license to sell Mickey and Minnie themed electric train toys. These companies were saved from bankruptcy because people could not resist buying anything Mickey Mouse-themed. In the 1950’s the Mousecap was the primary symbol of Mickey Mouse pop culture. Children were proud to wear them and say that they were official members of the club. That decade Mickey â€Å"appeared on five thousand different items, which had contributed a quarter of a billion dollars to the gross national product. Mickey Mouse became an authoritative figure in the merchandise world. Whatever companies Mickey Mouse endorsed, such as General Food, Standard Oil, National Biscuit Company, and National Dairy Products, consumers would always buy their products. Numerous of companies fought to get Mickey Mouse as their spokesperson. Liquor, cigarette, and pharmaceutical companies vied for Mickey’s support, but Disney would not sponsor anything that went against Mickey’s wholesome image. Mickey Mouse had a huge influence on the merchandise industry of the twentieth century, and in doing so Disney Studios extended its power to the economic and everyday part of American life. During World War II Walt Disney expanded his studios to play a role in American politics. After the attack on Pearl Harbor the U. S. government commissioned Disney Studios to create military training videos and propaganda films. Since Mickey Mouse was so popular the government thought they could make military training a little more enjoyable by employing Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters for the movies. Disney Studios became the first and only Hollywood studio the army took over, when 500 US army troops were stationed there. They stored repaired equipment in the soundstage and held ammunition in the sheds. President Franklin Roosevelt used Mickey Mouse as an international symbol of peace to improve the U. S. ’s Good Neighbor Policy; Walt Disney led a Goodwill Tour in South America in 1941 where a vast amount of kids who did not even speak English were eager to meet the creator of Mickey Mouse. Disney was also commissioned by the United States Treasury Department to create a film that would encourage people to pay their taxes. Mickey Mouse appeared as an Uncle Sam type figure and was the symbol of American patriotism during World War II. Mickey was the star of many U. S. nd Allied war posters and propaganda. He appeared on at least 35 home-front insignia designs created by Disney Studios, and he was the mascot for the Red Cross during the war. Disney and Mickey Mouse were such a big part of American culture and the war effort that â€Å"the password for the Allies who stormed the beach at Normandy to crush the German army was ‘Mickey Mouse. ’† Even people on t he Axis Powers looked to Mickey for inspiration during the war. Walt Disney’s help in the war effort further incorporated Disney into the pop culture and everyday life of Americans. One of Walt Disney’s greatest contributions to American pop culture was the amusement park, Disneyland, in Anaheim, California. With Disneyland Walt Disney changed the whole idea of an amusement park. It was not simply a park; it was a whole world; a full imaginative experience. Building Disneyland allowed Walt Disney to live out his imagination, and visiting Disneyland allowed every person to live out his or her wildest dreams. Disneyland appealed to everybody. The park’s traditional turn-of-the-century American main street- Mainstreet USA- made everyone feel at home. Disney filled the park with iconic American images along with images that he had created such as Cinderella, Snow White, the Three Little Pigs, and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Disneyland exemplified how much Walt Disney had influenced the imaginations of Americans by creating a certain psychological experience in the park; it was not too loud, crowded, or chaotic like other parks, and everything was soft, harmonious, and unthreatening. The park was also appealing in its cleanliness, the efficiency of the lines, the weather, and even the sound of the park. Disneyland manipulated people into being happy by bringing out the child in everyone, but people were fine with the fact that they were being manipulated because it was executed so well. Disneyland also provided a lesson in American heritage; it taught Americans to remember their roots and traditional post-war values before they go on to fulfill their dreams. Disneyland was also a reflection of Walt Disney himself. Walt Disney put every single one of his living fibers into his park. He micromanaged everything and obsessed over every little detail until it was perfect. His commitment to the quality of the park was one thing that made it so successful; he continuously improved the park, came up with new ideas, new angles, and new additions to make Disneyland more attractive. He felt like this park was another chance to create his fantasy world and make everything exactly how he wanted it. Disneyland portrayed Disney’s sense of wish fulfillment, and life experiences and journey with the use of the different worlds of Disneyland. The images and different lands created in Disneyland could also be applied to the history and growth of America. Frontierland displayed traditional turn-of-the-century images and transported the guests back in time. Fantasyland allowed Americans to live out their wildest dreams and imagination. Adventureland depicted America’s desire for excitement and new experiences. Tomorrowland illustrated the promise of coming technological advances and America’s desire for progress. Disneyland was more than just an amusement park: it affected the lives of generations of people. Walt Disney had such a great effect on people because he embodied the idea of a true American. He represented the typical self-made, family man that people could look to and think if he can make it big, then so can I. Disney was simple, clean, moral, and innocent, and these qualities were infused into his animations and transmitted to people. His old-fashion values such as hard work, perseverance, generosity, and integrity emanated from everything he did and people were just drawn to him. These qualities and values gave people what they needed in troubling times: hope and the ability to believe in themselves. Disney’s personality made him a beloved figure in millions of middle-class households, and he affected the lives of many Americans. Walt Disney died on December 16, 1966, but his legacy continued long after he was gone. In Disney’s mind his greatest legacy would be his work with the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Nelbert Chouinard created the Chouinard Art Institute in 1921 with the belief that an art school was needed on the west coast of the United States. Disney had been interested in the Chouinard Institute since the 1930’s and when Mrs. Chouinard fell ill could not take care of it anymore he took over the institute. Disney knew how difficult it was to get admitted to art school and become successful, so he wanted to help out aspiring artists as much as he could. He financed the school, expanded it, and eventually combined it with the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and renamed it the California Institute of the Arts. Walt even said that CalArts would be what he is remembered for. Walt Disney’s legacies continue to have an ongoing impact. Disney’s brother, Roy, once said about Walt Disney, â€Å"There is no way to replace Walt Disney. He was an extraordinary man. Perhaps there will never be another like him. † He distracted people from the strife of the Great Depression, helped our country during World War II, and provided support afterwards. He taught children how to be responsible citizens, while still allowing them to have fun and follow their dreams. He reinforced traditional American values into the minds of Americans. He helped connect the cultures of the world through the use of an iconic cartoon image, while making American culture the most dominant. He recreated the idea of an amusement park and encouraged wish fulfillment. Most importantly he demonstrated how one could turn dreams into reality. Walt Disney inspired the live of millions of children and adults all over the world, and he is considered one of the most influential people of the twentieth century. Works Cited â€Å"Art: Profound Mouse. † Time, 15 May 1933 http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,745525-2,00. html (2 November 2010). Gabler, Neal. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. New York: Random House, Inc. , 2006. Heide, Robert, and John Gilman. Mickey Mouse The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon!. New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc. 2001. Press, Petra. A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades The 1930s. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc. , 1999. Schickel, Richard. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of Walt Disney. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968. Watts, Steven. The Magic Kingdom Walt Disney and the American Way of Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997.  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Ibid. , 6. [ 2 ]. Robert Heide and John Gilman. Mickey Mouse The Evolution, The Legend, The Phenomenon. (New York: Disney Enterprises Inc. , 2001). 6. [ 3 ]. Ibid. , 9. [ 4 ]. Art: Profound Mouse,† Time (1933). http://www. time/magazine/article/0,9171,745525-2,000. html (accessed November 2, 2010). [ 5 ]. Heide. 22. [ 6 ]. Petra Press. A Cultural History of the United States Through the Decades The 1930’s. (San Diego: Lucent Books, 1999). 94. [ 7 ]. Heide. 22. [ 8 ]. â€Å"Art: Profound Mouse† [ 9 ]. Heide. 86. [ 10 ]. Watts. 148. [ 11 ]. Ibid. , 148. [ 12 ]. Heide. 101. [ 13 ]. Ibid. , 103. [ 14 ]. Heide. 101. [ 15 ]. Ibid. , 103. [ 16 ]. Ibid. , 71. [ 17 ]. Watts. 228. [ 18 ]. Heide. 72. [ 19 ]. Watts. 231. [ 20 ]. Heide. 73. [ 21 ]. Ibid. , 77. [ 22 ]. Ibid. , 81. [ 23 ]. Ibid. , 76. [ 24 ]. Neal Gabler. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination. (New York: Random House Inc. , 2006). 632. [ 25 ]. Ibid. , 496. [ 26 ]. Ibid. , 497. [ 27 ]. Gabler. 498. [ 28 ]. Ibid. , 535. [ 29 ]. Ibid. , 499. [ 30 ]. Ibid. , 496. [ 31 ]. Watts. 390. [ 32 ]. Gabler. 492. [ 33 ]. Ibid. , 499. [ 34 ]. Watts. 393. [ 35 ]. Ibid. , 146. [ 36 ]. Richard Shickel. The Disney Version The Life, Times, Art, and Commerce of alt Disney. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968). 72. [ 37 ]. Watts. 146. [ 38 ]. Ibid. , 358. [ 39 ]. Gabler. 591-592. [ 40 ]. Ibid. , 631. [ 41 ]. Ibid. , 632.